This week, it became known that the man behind the website “Nyhetsavisen Yes to the car in Oslo” and the administrator of the controversial Facebook group “Yes to the car”, Jarle Aabø, has optioned the rights to the domain name eivindtredal.en in the forefront of the kommunevalgkamp. He has purchased the domain through his own company Fredriksten AS, according to NORID.

On the site, which will be named the same as the MDG-politician and bystyrerepresentanten in Oslo, Eivind Trædal, Aabø expressed that he would like to post screenshots of MDG-politicians and their meningsfeller, according to Dagens Næringsliv, which first publicized the case.


Aabø is known that a very focussed opponent of the policy of the party, and tells on Facebook that he is sitting on several thousand screenshots, among other things, statements from MDG-members. These are collected over the two years. That’s environmental polar opposites have Trædal and Aabø been at loggerheads several times in the past.

Domenekjøpet is hotly debated on including Twitter. One of those who respond are digitally responsible in Bærum municipality, Magne Bjella. He has worked with IT since 1999, and is well acquainted with the issue, but solely on behalf of larger businesses, not private individuals.

– To buy someone’s private name as a domain and publish content others have published, perhaps out of context and with a different angle than is thought, I react sharply. It is appalling. I encourage Trædal to take the domain back, ” says Bjella to the Newspaper.

Where were you when Eivind Trædal, put the Norwegian all-righterne in place? Debate – Bunnivå

He has previously fought for the rights to domains that are “taken” by others, including when he worked with the merger of the airlines SAS and Braathens.

An individual had registered the domain name we wanted. Thus engaged, we of experts that took care of the legal and we got the domain back. So it is possible. One should keep themselves too good for such behavior. To promote themselves by using someone else’s name, it is bad manners, ” says Bjella.

According to Jarle Aabø, says, the Bell on the wrong factual basis.

– He would consider this project when we ring in the bell for a new website, writing Aabø in an e-mail, and goes on about the blueprints for the planned site, which, according to Aabø “document of our political history in social media ukommentert”.

Trædal himself is not surprised by the made up of Aabø.

He explores the bottom level in the political method. I’m a bit curious on who that might finance this. He works as a PR consultant, but I have not had the clarity of though he gets paid to drive “Yes to the car in Oslo”, says Trædal to the Newspaper.

He is no rabulist. He is a good, old-fashioned tormentor Comment Considering the complaint

– This is not the drøyeste the example from his page. I have reacted stronger on his intense personfokus facing several of our party members, including volunteers, who experience that Aabøs followers spreads your name and photo on the “Yes to the car in Oslo”-group on Facebook. Which abound with verbal abuse and even threats, he continues.

Trædal says that he so far has spent little effort on domain-case.

– In relation to how much trouble Aabø trying to make, so we spend relatively little time on him. He lays the out the screenshots in the group to say all the time, and it bothers me a little. It costs a lot to complain about this in committee, so it is a vurderingssak, but it could look like that my chances are good, ” says Trædal.

Aabø: – Was deleted

Documentation on Facebook-comments that include threats and verbal abuse towards the MDGS, as Trædal has sent to the newspaper Dagbladet in connection with this case, is presented Aabø. He tells us that the examples were deleted from the Facebook group immediately.

– We have 15 moderators that will delete inappropriate comments constantly. In addition, the blocks we people on an ongoing basis. That Trædal use deleted comments as “evidence”, is a well-known method from the MDG, ” says Aabø.

– We do not hang out with politicians, we tell only what they are doing and what they expressed, just the same as Dagbladet, VG and NRK are doing in their daily journalistic activities, he continues.

Aabø believe, further, that the Trædal is behind the radical politics that goes to “war against the car”.

– We run a newspaper as hard and critical covers exactly what he’s doing as a politician, namely transportation.

Wessel-Aas: – Not allowed

Trædal won the support of a lawyer in the law firm Lund & Co, Jon Wessel-Aas. He is one of Norway’s leading legal specialists in freedom of expression, law and social media. Dagbladet has asked him to consider the legality Aabøs stunt.

Trædal use storslegga against Hege Storhaug and the outer right

– You can’t register someone else’s personal name as a domain if it is made in bad faith, says Wessel-Aas continues:

Individuals have in some years been able to register its name as a no-address. Norwegian urls managed by NORID, who have created the dispute resolution committee for complaints. There have been cases where someone has bought the domain with the personal names of others, and in the earlier decisions, it is generally held that one cannot get registered domains that infringe upon others ‘ rights. The right person is such a privilege, ” says the lawyer.

the EXPERT: Jon Wessel-Aas. Photo: Torbjørn Berg / Dagbladet Show more – Made in bad faith

Wessel-Aas mean Aabø added to ensure that any complaint from Trædal will be fulfilled.

He has done this deliberately to link the site to Trædal and plays on his name. Then it is, so I read the board’s practice and as it is called in the policy, made in bad faith. But that Aabø lose the domains assumes that the Trædal delivers a complaint, ” he says.

Aabø says the following about the statement of the Wessel-Aas.

He has as far as we know a good relationship to the MDGS, so we wonder how he can discuss “bad faith” impartial and professional in the blind without knowing what our purpose is. We can comfort Wessel-Aas that the choice of domain was a element of our PR strategy. We thank you for his contribution, ” says Aabø.

Wessel Aas sets rejected the claim. He points out that the “bad faith” is a legal concept.

– In this context, the aim I Aabø who register someone else’s personal name as a domain name, and did it just to exploit the fact that people perceive it as Trædals name, and in violation of the Trædals interests. What Aabø believe that I have a “good relationship to the MDGS”, is for me a riddle. I have no special relation to either MDG or the party’s representatives. I say me, of course, on a purely professional basis.

Pregnant Lan Marie (31) about hetsen and threats Dagbladet Plus