the results of the Election in december was sudden. First and foremost, therefore, that the socialists, who ruled continuously since 1978, missing out the power. But almost as bewildering was the Vox eleven per cent of the votes. In a large measuring just the other day, commissioned by the Madrid newspaper El Mundo, Vox, 13 per cent of the votes in the whole of Spain.

During the valnattens cheers, and several days afterwards took the older party PP (21 per cent of the votes) and the newer national party Ciudadanos (18%) for granted that they can quickly and gallant would present a regionregering.

Vox, they thought, had no choice, it would end up automatically, because anything else would lead to a vänsterkoalition.

before the coming kommunval in the spring and next year’s parliamentary elections, not content with the role of appendage to the great nationalistpartierna. The party is on the warpath and the prey they are after is PP’s and Ciudadanos voters.

After a month of manglingar is Vox: scrap the two feminist-inspired regionslagar, otherwise it will be a new election. The PP and Ciudadanos know neither out or in. They have both supported the laws on gender equality and protection to women victims of gender-based violence.

That back would damage their cause difficult, not least among women. But the idea of the andalusian election is almost as disappointing. With the tailwind, the Vox has right now can fall out of the frying pan into the fire.

discriminate against men. PP’s leader in Madrid, Pablo Casado, offered on Friday the Vox a change in the law, so that all victims of domestic violence, also ”men, old and children”, shall be guaranteed support. The Vox leader, Santiago Abascal says he will study the proposal.

In the study of the Vox constituents is clear that the major issue for their part, are Catalonia and the fight against separatism. Antifeminismen is not central. Why the management decided to take the battle in this substance is unclear. So far no Spanish parties wanted or dared to speak out against the feminist-inspired laws.

But maybe that’s just why Vox decided to put this question in the centre: its kvistighet guarantee the party publicity day in, day out, and if the Vox leave with the victory, its major competitors for the electorate to lose prestige for the coming trials of strength with the Vox.

from PP, is the first extreme liberals of Spain’s political map since the dictator Franco’s death in 1975.

the Party wants, among other things abolishing Catalonia’s self-government, to deport illegal migrants, to erect a wall around the Spanish Africa enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla, close salafist mosques, the support of christianity, to pull Spain out of the Schengen agreement, to ban sex education in schools and abortion, facilitate the individual armed defense against criminals and stop all state aid to radikalfeminismen.

Read more: Growing extremhöger in Spain