BERLIN (Dagbladet): The major alarm was triggered for a couple of days ago, when the German authorities came on the trail of the giant hackingen, which should have run last fall – right up until towards the end of October.

Bild-Zeitung newspaper was first out with the story of the famous reporters and rikspolitikere. The newspaper reports, with reference to anonymous sources, that the invaders will have gained access to quantities of private information about riksreportere and well-known medieprofiler, by penetrating through the e-mail program, Outlook from Microsoft.

the Invaders seemed to have turned to the Bundestag, the political parties ‘ headquarters and regional departments, as well as the two public television stations ARD and ZDF.

Vacation pictures

Among some politicians – that chairman Robert Habeck in miljøpartiet De green – it has disappeared hundreds of vacation photos with him and the family. Deep private conversations are already posted on the web.

the Leaders of the parties in the Bundestag was yesterday informed about what has happened, and that this seems to be the biggest hackerangrepet ever been conducted in Germany.

is Also the president

Also the tv umbrian Jan Böhmermann on the list of victims. He and a work colleague should be among those who have lost hundreds of private family photos. Böhmermann picked up in march 2016 the Turkish government’s wrath, with an irreverent nidvise of president Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Satirist – and his program Neo Magazine Royal – has since that time been high on regimetro tyrkeres hatliste.

Also the German kulturpersonligheter shall have been vulnerable to attack, and members of the “leftist” rockband will be on the list.

federal president Frank-Walter Steinmeier are also among the victims.

The regional television station Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg (RBB) reports that all of management for all parties in the Bundestag called krisemøter, after that the scope of the hackinga had been clear.

HACKED: Robert Habeck, who is one of the two leaders for the miljøpartiet De green, has been stripped of large quantities of images and electronic mail. Photo: Tobias Schwarz/AFP Show more Much unclear

Several things have been published over the popular accounts on Twitter and YouTube, but it looks currently like also these addresses are under hackernes control.

German investigators have determined that the attacks held up towards the end of October, but that it is still not clear how long they continued and how much as actually been stolen.

until now, all the parties in the Bundestag hit. Only the høyrepopulistiske “Alternative für Deutschland” their representatives have – at least currently – avoided being hung out. About the party’s representatives also is hacked, is yet unclear.

All 405 members of the søsterpartiene the CDU/CSU on the list of victims, while it will be about 294 politicians from the social democratic SPD, 105 members of The green, 82 from the former communist party, Die Linke, and 28 officers in the liberal FDP. The politicians sitting in the bystyrer, delstatsforsamlinger, the EUROPEAN parliament and the Bundestag.

Fear before the options

Currently, there are not come the public comments from the police or district attorney with responsibility for the investigation, but these are expected in the course of the morning.

security police the “Verfassungsschutz” was last night set to investigate the matter fully.

the Newspaper Bild speculate whether there can be Russian or chinese hackers who are behind.

ARDs dopingekspert Hajo Seppelt is among the 33 well-known tv names on the list. He has for many years been behind the disclosure of, among other Russian statsdoping.

In Germany in the course of the year be a ballot in three states, and the biggest fear now is that the election campaigns – especially sluttfasene – shall be influenced with the publication of the images and other information that may put the democratic party candidates in a bad light.