After a time sonderinger before christmas, it is now ready for regjeringsforhandlinger between the Left, This, Right, and FrP. In the negotiations comes the asylum and immigration is likely to be among the most important and most difficult themes – the Progress and the Left want liberalisation, while the progress party wants tightening.

Anders Sørlien. Show more

SSB la recently up its annual survey of norwegians ‘ attitudes towards immigration and immigrants, and the numbers show greater acceptance and less fear of immigration. Get find it uncomfortable having an immigrant as a new neighbor, and ever fewer are wary of having an immigrant as a son-in-law or daughter-in-law. There is greater trust of immigrants in the labour market, and several have contact with immigrants in various venues.

We will not to succeed with hverdagsintegreringen if not norwegians and immigrants meet in their daily lives. Therefore, it is positive that Oslo in 2019 to settle refugees on the west side and in boroughs with the fewest number of non-western immigrants.

Drastic reduction in “wait time” for unaccompanied minor asylum seekers Debate

If you live close each other you can meet on the way home from school or on the playground, friendships are developed and we can influence and understand each other better. This is also in line with the findings from statistics norway’s survey, which shows that those who have the most contact with immigrants are also more innvandrervennlige or liberal attitudes. “ When we are known, we can build down prejudices and get to know more about each other “, stated the knowledge and integreringsminister Jan Tore Sanner the Norwegian broadcasting corporation NRK.

An issue I hope the Progress and Left promises in the coming regjeringsforhandlingene, is a transfer of responsibility for unaccompanied minor asylum seekers over 15 years, to the child welfare. It comes virtually no unaccompanied minor asylum seekers anymore, so the cost will be less than it has ever been.

There is a better, more humane and cheaper way to treat asylbarn on the Leader

the Cost of to let be, it will still be larger – in the form of utenforskap, discrimination and increased costs when these children will be transferred in the municipalities. These are arguments that also the progress party and the Right should be able to listen to.

Should we succeed integration, we must ensure that refugees and norwegians meet in everyday life and interact with each other. Here shows the numbers from STATISTICS norway that we do a lot right, and the measure of the Oslo municipality to settle more refugees on the west side is also positive. Moreover, we make sure to treat those who are here on a good way and according to what they are entitled to.

In his nyttårstale spoken the prime minister warmly and well about the importance of a good childhood and upbringing, and whether a child welfare service that will ensure just this.

Is it really “Cheaper, better, and more human”? Debate

Then I hope also that 2019 will be the year the Uk ceases to discriminate between Norwegian “Martin” and the syrian “Nada” – both 15 years of age and without parents. Today the child welfare omsorgsansvaret for Martin, while the UDI has omsorgsansvaret for Nada. There are huge differences in the requirements of care, staffing and expertise. The consequences are already great for the kids, and I fear the way we treat them, also has major consequences for us as a society.

I hope we can take inwards us how we treat children on the flight and listening to criticism, including from the Un population’s expectations, torturkomité and the committee, and that we in 2019 goes a rausere and warmer years in the meeting where these children are being treated as what they are – namely, children.