Economy The number of vans in the Brussels traffic is exploding, according to figures from Brussels Mobility which Le Soir today message. Also Bruzz reported earlier about the phenomenon. As an explanation, please refer to the growth of e-commerce.

Brussels Mobility carried out in recent years, several measurements. While in 2012, the daily 26.500 vans the capital inreden, accounting for 8 percent of total traffic, increased that last year to 30,000 vans per day, or 9 to 10 percent of the total traffic. “The number of vans increased by ten to fifteen percent in five years”, says the Brussels Mobility.

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The increase can be explained by the growth of e-commerce, but also by the fact that a lot of carriers on that way escape the road pricing for trucks. The influx of the vans is not good news for the environment, the health and mobility in its entirety. Also the travel time during the week in Brussels during the last years, with 8 per cent.