“Smelling the cows have nothing to complain about”

“Flies, bells and smelling the cows. It was too much for a person in sweden complained to the municipality on its neighbour, writes the Smålandsposten.”

“The complainant was, according to its notification to the farmer on the plot next door had bells on their cows, animals that also smelled bad and brought with it flies. That the farmer spread manure on their fields before ploughing was a further annoyance.”

“the Environment – and byggnadsförvaltningen in the municipality inspected the farm and heard the plingande the sound of the bells, which were removed. But otherwise found nothing to complain about. The county administrative board, however, felt that the municipality needed to investigate the situation further, but not in addition to the following inspections resulted in no action.”

“– They believed that if you live in the country so it is so here it is, ” says the farmer to the newspaper.”