Whether gummy bears, Chocolate ice cream or cake: most children can of sweets enough. The preference is innate, and evolution makes biologically sense. Our ancestors, the hunters and collectors, signaled by the sweet taste that it is a non-toxic and energy-rich food. The latter was in times of food shortage could be a blessing.

children So much sweets love – parents are less impressed. They fear, too much sugar bad for your offspring. No wonder sweets are often a topic of debate in the family. The Argument that too much sugar is unhealthy, not a warning to small children. “Children don’t care whether something is healthy or not,” says Nicole Meybohm from the professional Association of nutritional Psychological counseling in Switzerland. “It is important to you, if it tastes.”

moreover, not even the experts know exactly the quantities of Sweets is a health hazard. However, there are rough guidelines that have established Nutrition professionals. The world health organization (WHO) recommends that not more than ten percent of the daily energy requirement in the Form of sugar. The around 150 calories, so, for example, about five pieces of milk chocolate, or three teaspoons of nut-Nougat-cream would be a five-year-old kindergarten child. Not the hidden sugar that is in the daily food is counted (see the Text on the right). “First of all, the finished products are traps hidden Sugar,” says Nicole Meybohm.

For some parents, the 10 percent may not be exaggerated-specification of the WHO, especially as many of the adults keep themselves in it. Sure is: sugar mass should be fully enjoyed.

Contains a lot of hidden sugar: A girl fills your glass with fruit juice. Photo:

to prohibit The children of the Schleck stuff easy, keep the experts is not a good idea. “The ultimate goal does not have to be candy to a dominant to make the subject,” says Dagmar Pauli from the Department of child and adolescent psychiatry of the Psychiatric University clinic in Zurich. “An absolute prohibition of acts contrary to the by it makes sweets even more interesting and fancy then increases.” Some parents to bypass a ban, by having no sweets in stock. Also the Doctor Dagmar Pauli is not ideal. “The risk here is that the children pounce on the Schleck stuff, once you get somewhere else.”

As counter-productive bans, also shows a study by the Maastricht University in the Netherlands. 70 children at the age of five to seven years, pineapple pieces, banana pieces, chocolate and fruit gum pre-got. A third of the children was of particular nibble, one-third only from the fruit and one-third only of the sweets. In a second Phase, each child was able to consume what it wanted. Children were allowed to, initially, take only fruits, attacked more and more, the sweets and the children were in the first part, only sweets, fell mainly on fruit. Those children, however, were from the start all the food, naschten the least.

“it is A good idea to give the child a quota of sweets, on which it may freely dispose.”Nicole Meybohm, nutritional, Psychological consultant

Should require parents so the children anything when it comes to sweets? The come on child, says Nicole Meybohm. “There are children who have no great urge for Sweet. Other the devil, in turn, then.” In principle, it is useful, the Schleck stuff store it so that the kids would constantly in front of the nose. Otherwise, it is recommended to regulate the candy consumption of the offspring only slightly, so that the child can take in a solid framework of self-responsibility. “It is a good idea to give the child a defined quota of sweets, on the can it have.” The could mean for a school child, that it could take every week, for example, five portions from his own sweets bowl. “Whether it eats the Schleck stuff at once or spaced in the week, will be left to the child.” Nicole Meybohm, herself a mother of two children, makes this provision for several years of good experiences.

candy as a Comforter

it is also Important for sweets not as a reward. “If parents give your child a piece of candy, because it has tidied up his room, you are reinforcing his fondness for Sweets,” says the child psychiatrist Dagmar Pauli. The child can learn to reward themselves later on as an adult with sweets. It should not be said to the children, that there is the Dessert if the vegetables eaten. “Because that’s the way the vegetables as punishment, and the Dessert as a reward.”

“parents often use sweets as a consolation, promote in the child the so-called emotional eating.”Dagmar Pauli, a child psychiatrist

Also as a Comforter is not Sweet: “on Beating a child on the knee, and is crying, it needs no sweet, but a hug or comforting words of his caregiver,” says Dagmar Pauli, who specializes in the treatment of eating disorders. “Parents often use sweets as a consolation, to encourage them to eat the child, the so-called frustration, to calm and resolve tensions.”

Sometimes boredom can be the reason why children are craving for Sweet. “Children don’t have to be nonstop busy, to experience boredom and to endure, is a meaningful experience,” says Nicole Meybohm. “Here, parents should help their offspring, with the boredom.” Possible, too, that children want the attention of your parents, if you make a theatre to sweets. “It helps the child to turn to.”

role model function of parents

Like a child with sweets treats, also largely depends on the parents. “The attitude that sweets are just a cute little thing, by the way, can be an example of parents,” says the Doctor, Dagmar Pauli. Nicole he finds the role model function of parents is important, “if I, as a mother, constantly candy eating, it is not credible, when I make my children regulations”. Equally problematic it is when a mother count constantly calories a day on the scale get up and their children any candy treat. Or if the father will always pick sweets as soon as Stress or boredom. “There is a danger that the children will imitate this behavior.”

Sweet Alternative: A child biting into an Apple. Photo:

ask children to sweets, it may be worthwhile Alternatives such as fruits or sliced vegetables to offer. “Peppers and carrots are fairly sweet, sometimes that is enough to satisfy sweet cravings,” says Nicole Meybohm. She also recommends to pay attention to a good food rhythm, so plenty of regular meals on the family table. The decisive factor is a balanced composition of the food was also. A mid-morning snack or afternoon snack ideally contains slow carbohydrates from whole grains and fibers, which make long full. As an example, the nutritional-Psychological consultant, is called a slice of whole grain bread with cheese or a glass of milk. “In order for the hot to be hungry for something Sweet, often a little cushion.”

* This article first appeared in the June 2018 in the Swiss family. At the Start of the new year we will publish selected texts again. (the Swiss family)

Created: 03.01.2019, 18:30 clock