the Waves go high, when that is being discussed clam quotas between fisheries minister Eva Kjer Hansen (V) and the Parliamentary fiskeriordførere.

So high that the Danish people’s party fiskeriordfører, Ib Poulsen, on Thursday last week walked out of a meeting with the minister.

– I had to leave the meeting, because I thought it came from the minister’s mouth, I could not relate to them, says Ib Poulsen to Ekstra Bladet.

And according to støttepartiets fiskeriordfører, it is the new fiskeriministeren, Eva Kjer Hansen, which is the big problem. Eva Kjer Hansen, was fisheries minister after Karen Ellemann in may.

– Karen Ellemann was far easier to work with, but realitetssansen is a little lacking here, says Ib Poulsen.

One of the others present confirm the progress across the Extra Leaf.

– Ib Poulsen was clearly annoyed, and the mood was pretty depressed when he left the room, says a source, who wishes to remain anonymous.

the Minister seemed rather indifferent, almost cold as ice, even though it was the government’s only contacts she had just brought themselves on a collision course with, say the present.

It is the rights to the mussel – and østersfiskeriet in the Limfjord, which creates kurrer on the wire between the minister and the rapporteur from the government contacts.

In June of this year, it was by a unanimous Danish parliament adopted, in future only allowed to own three licenses for mussels and/or three licenses for oysters.

They now have more than three licenses, has until the end of 2026 to get rid of them.

But now there are fishermen who are considering and try to obtain their quotas, so they have more than three, before the cut-off date for the number of allowances towards 2026.

It can, because the minister is only now ready with a notice, to be sent in the consultation, and effectively ends with the first to be adopted again in the spring.

– We are working on to get implemented fiskeripakken down to the last sentence, and it is all about, that we want to avoid that there are some kvotekonger that need to ravage, says DF’s Ib Poulsen.

– They should also not harass the inside of the Limfjord, where there are some muslingelicenser, says fiskeriordføreren from the Danish people’s Party.

According to the Ib Poulsen and the other present at the meeting, a majority of fiskereiordførerne prevent fishermen obtain multiple licenses. However, the minister draws the process out on purpose, reads the accusation.

– She does everything that the deadline for the here people will get free safe-conduct to usurp some more licenses as long as possible, says Ib Poulsen.

– It smells too far away, that you have some interests which you must perform. And it is not the interest group, we want to perform.

– We want there to be a diverse fisheries in the Limfjord, where there is room for a lot of players that can keep the life in the small ports, explains Ib Poulsen.

Ib Poulsen explains that he left the meeting, because he was going to have to take a period of reflection.

– sometimes you can be so provoked that you have to go, he says.

He says that he now tries to look ahead. Therefore, he will await the minister’s response and assess whether it fits to what the majority want.

– How is your confidence to the minister now?

– It is not something I will comment on the current, he says.

– We must have these things in place, and then we shall see what happens.

Fiskeriministeren rejects the opposite Ekstra Bladet that the reference from the meeting, but explains anyway.

– I can confirm that the Ib Poulsen left the meeting relatively early. It was too bad, because we had many important points, which I would have discussed with him – including points, he even had asked about it, says Eva Kjer Hansen

– Ib Poulsen had a desire to get the rules to work retroactively. But I did it in force in this territory can not legislate retroactively. It is about legal certainty.

Eva Kjer Hansen (V) reject, that she draws the process out. Photo: Rasmus Flindt Pedersen

– Ib Poulsen believes that you drag the process out. How do you to it?

– I’m not at all something for a long period, I executing it, a majority has decided.

– Ib Poulsen know that it is not my wish, that we should make the restrictions, but I do in good faith, in relation to a political majority wants it.

– DF is your contacts, you should not do more to meet their desires?

– I do very much in order to meet Ib poulsen’s want. The here the restriction of the three licenses in the clam – and østersfiskeriet is a response to the Ib’s want. I think, I do what I can to accommodate the wishes of the Ib Poulsen.

But when he then asks that we on this specific subject should go completely across the retssikkerhedsmæssige principles apply, so I have to say that it goes too far, she says.