Free invoices and entrepreneur Jari ”Crystal,” Kiiskinen said that safety is a species of enthusiasts in the most important thing.Experienced free bills Jari Kiiskinen keep the Norwegian news sad extreme example, species in danger. He emphasizes the safety importance of the species in the hobby. Google Earth/Jari Kiiskinen home album

Rescuers are struggling against time to find the lost three Finnish and one Swedish Norwegian Lapland. Foursome disappeared in the popular Blåbærfjelletillä i.e. blueberries in the mountains. They are feared trapped in an avalanche.

Norwegian police say the avalanche danger is still large, and not rescuers have been unable to continue searching Thursday. Foursome disappeared on Wednesday.

more Than 20 years in free fall had an entrepreneur Jari ”Crystal” Kiiskinen , 49, said that safety is a species of in always the most important thing, although the species entails its own risks.

– This is bad go to the extreme. It would be nice to know the details of what has affected the decision-making process. Why it’s gone. Whether there was any error in the solution? Really unfortunate and sad news. I wish strength to related parties, Kiiskinen said gravely.

so Many things to be considered

free fall is skiing, which have other than the treatment set on the slopes of ski resorts. Usually the starting point will have to go skiing, hiking or even climbing. Fells, mountains and possible glacier require security arrangements.

Jari Kiiskinen says that the first is considered to be the landing conditions. He told me that he discussed the group of friends with recently the same direction to the left of where the foursome is gone. Kiiskinen has fallen to myself in the same spot.

They made the decision that it is not worth. Weather conditions are so unstable. The area is snowed in and water. There’s no point this time of year to go, when the snow is not stable, he said.

the Wind can Kiiskinen, according to move the snow mass in an instant to the other side of the mountain. Weather conditions can also change completely as quickly as within a day. If the slope is more than 30 degrees steep, avalanche risk increases as soon as considerably.

What the soil is? Is there vegetation, brush, rakkakivet or smooth rock. This all affects the friction surface of the snow mass. Namely, how the snow mass moves. We always ask local assessment of the situation. What should I take into account and where not to go.

Kiiskinen said that the terrain should never go alone. In addition, the group should be at least one of the more experienced enthusiast, or preferably even a local guide. Their own skills should also not be overestimated.

– If pikkaisenkin doubt weather or personal skills for, I’d rather leave undone. Mountain or the mountain is still there next week when conditions are better. It takes more courage to say uncertainties, than go to the blank boldly forward and cause something for themselves or a friend.

the safety equipment to be included

Safety is taken care of also equipment. Helmet is absolutely mandatory, and many protect themselves from injury also armor.

– Everyone has a beeper avalanche in case. Drops it sends a signal. In the case of injuries other put their pager on their search position, wherein the buried victim can be located, Jari Kiiskinen said.

in Addition, each has a probe. It is telescope-shaped in the assembled long stick, which helps the victims of looking the snow. Also snow shovel supplied.

They are always taken. If someone is missing, he leaves until the next time, when all things are included.

Kiiskinen also drink backpack have become commonplace. It creates a gas input of a kind of ”butterfly wings” of the bag, supporting the skier an avalanche on top.

the sport has grown so much. Tools and importers have brought it closer to the consumer.

What species then give the hobby its? Kiiskinen comparison that many have been wandering in the mountains or in the mountains. Free falling up cost associated with a group of friends in the same silence, the freedom to feel and pristine nature.

– If it is going to calculate on carpet and soft snow, it is like wrapped in cotton wool would decrease. It does not really belong as their own ideas. It’s the feeling of freedom is pretty great vibe. It’s really nice and fun to work in safe conditions, Kiiskinen said.