the German interior Minister, Horst Seehofer (CSU) wants to present in this month, a legislative proposal for faster deportations of rejected asylum seekers. His Ministry was working on a Constitution, a fixed law of change for more effective deportation, which he would present to the experts of the Grand coalition in January, said Seehofer on Thursday before the start of the closed meeting of the CSU land group in the monastery of Seeon in front of journalists. Then will have to see what the coalition could communicate.

As Seehofer said, is currently being tested in his Ministry, whether the consequences of the alleged Assault of asylum seekers were in the Bavarian town of Amberg at passers-by needed. Should as a result of this case law tightening be necessary, he will propose to you in January.

The German judges Association looks after the incidents in Amberg discussed the changes to the law concerning the deportation of offenders refugees with great skepticism. “It is a mistake to outdo each other in public with demands for tougher laws,” said the managing Director of the magistrates ‘ Association, Sven Rebehn, the AFP news Agency on Thursday in Berlin. “The call for tougher laws will not solve the Enforcement problems.”

a condition for the deportation of an offender subject to a final conviction. According to the judge in Federal criminal proceedings, but, increasingly, in the length. A sentence must “follow as quickly as possible to the fact, so that you can act,” said Rebehn. “The workload for prosecutors and criminal judges, but is now extremely high.” Here had to be recognised in the first place.

“as a Priority, the Federation and the Länder must ensure that the judiciary is capable of existing laws to quickly and effectively apply” demanded Rebehn. “It takes after many years of misguided austerity a sustainable trend reversal in personnel.”

in addition to the high-stress criminal justice, the administrative courts are in need of help, called Rebehn. “In the face of hundreds of thousands of pending asylum procedures, countries must also invest more in personnel.” In the case of the administrative courts is already a lot had happened. “It is not enough, however, to be able to the accumulated files in reasonable time periods mountains to work off.” Also the often long asylum procedure shall be considered as a reason for this, that offenders, asylum seekers can not be deported.

Söder: Amberg is no need for a new asylum debate

The designated CSU Chairman Markus Söder, after the incidents in Amberg, meanwhile, is no reason for a new policy debate on the right of asylum. It had to be responding to the incidents “with the utmost determination, but also prudence,” said the Bavarian Prime Minister before the Conclave in the monastery of Seeon. It is the first investigation of the incidents and a massive reinforcement of the police presence on the ground.

Söder is on 19. January will be chosen to be the successor of Horst Seehofer as CSU leader. To investigated the consequences of Amberg, but he is also the contact to the other party the Chairman of the Grand coalition, the CDU-Chairman, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and SPD Leader Andrea Nahles. Initially, existing laws are strictly applied, and, if possible, of deportation obstacles to overcome. A renewed fundamental discussion was unnecessary, the citizens wanted no such theory debates.

How Söder said, wanted to travel to Bavaria’s interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) on Thursday to Amberg and the Situation on the ground. There, gathered according to Reports, as a reaction of the attack of the extreme Right of organized citizens to fight back.

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Söder has criticized both the Attacks on the passers-by sharply as well as the attempt by the extreme Right, the transactions. It could not go through to distinguish that AfD and NPD departments, as citizens tried. (AFP)