the French revolution of 1789 gave us the first declaration of human rights, with 17 articles. Article 6 says that each citizen personally or through the representative, have the right to participate in shaping the nation’s laws.

The yellow of the vests in France, the main requirements that direct democracy is introduced by Réferendum d’on the citizens ‘initiative – decision-making referendum on the citizens’ initiative. Representatives of the yellow vests mean that article 6 puts the citizens ‘ direct participation in legislation in the main room. The representative democracy we have today, they argue, is a way to exclude citizens from the real democracy.

seen that even a French public outcry against fuel taxes and other levies and the reporting has focused on the clashes between police and demonstrators.

It is to miss the essence of what the yellow västarnas rebellion is all about, I think.

the Uprising of 1968 in France, mainly in Paris, also had a completely different background. It was an ideological vänsterprotest with the support of the tray and which had clear leaders.

the Yellow of the vests has more similarity with the French revolution. Wikipedia formulates the situation: ”the Differences between the royal court and högadelns wasteful luxury, and the great masses halvsvält gave rise to dissatisfaction.” The wording is true for today’s situation in France.

the policies of the Emmanuel Macron and conducted by former French presidents. Many frenchmen living in difficult economic circumstances. They are increasingly recognising that it is not enough to set the detailed requirements, such as increased grants, tax credits, higher minimum wage and the like. They want to have the power to determine the policy through direct decision-making power.

It is new, at the same time that democracy is an idea with deep roots.