Supporters of the shot parrot Rambo a online petition started addressed to the Belgian government. They demand a judicial inquiry into the precise circumstances and a clear and clear legislation. Joseph Verdyck get in the meantime from all over the world endorsements. “I make a lawsuit out of.”

For Joseph Verdyck, it was a bitter end. On december 29, shot a hunter from Deurne the apple of his eye Rambo, a macaw of a three years old, just down and his dogs the animal also tore. Joseph had Rambo from the egg itself is raised and has free learn to fly. The news that Rambo as a member of the Free Flight was neergekogeld remains reverberating. “I’ve had responses from America and Australia,” says Joseph Verdyck, still heavily afflicted by the event. “Rambo was in the world, indeed, a little known. It pleases that there are people who to help me, and that the petition has been started.”

also Read Hunter shoots parrot Rambo down: “This is a pet, there, shoot your still not on” a Thousand signatures

The petition was woensdagvoormiddag online and counted in the afternoon more than a thousand signatures from all over the world. The requirements of the petition are clear: a judicial investigation and a clear legislation that makes clear that hunting is only allowed on a limited number of wild species and that the killing of any other animal is illegal unless it has been scientifically established that it is an exot is that it causes damage. “I knew Rambo and his owner for years already”, tell initiator Jimmy Morel from Wilrijk. “We want to do with the petition, especially to prevent that this even happens. That exotic shot should be in the wild, sit and nuisance concerns, that I still want to understand. But that was absolutely not the case.”

Also Jimmy is the heart. “Rambo and one of my parrots Macho were ‘flybuddies’. Macho had learned a lot from Rambo. They flew at least two times per week together. They will feel safer. I hope that the petition may withdraw. We are really not good. The hunter was to have pigeons to shoot, but if you the difference between a pigeon and a parrot not see, you can according to me better also no weapon to bear. Also: why he wanted the bird then quickly hiding under some leaves in the ditch ?”