For China, it is a prestige project and the most important step is obviously successful, According to state media the probe “Chang’e 4”, landed successfully on the far side of the moon.

for the First time landed in history a space probe on the back side of the moon. The Chinese “Chang’e 4” put on in the early Morning at 3.26 PM CET on Aitken crater near the South pole. The official Xinhua news Agency reported. Also, the state broadcaster CCTV talked of a “successful landing”.

The Operation was difficult, because you can build up to the other side of the moon is no direct radio link. China shot a communications satellite in the orbit of the moon. In addition, the landing on the far side of the moon because of the difficult terrain is considered to be significantly more complicated.

“Chang’e 4”-recording of the back side of the moon. The image was provided by the China National Space Administration.

trips of space ships and astronauts on the moon, there was already a lot of. China is the first Nation that landed on the earth-facing side of the moon.

robotic vehicle Terrain to explore

On Board the 140-kilogram “Chang’e 4” is a robot vehicle. To belong to the Mission astronomical observations, as well as a study of the structure and the mineral composition of the terrain.

among other things, the cultivation of potatoes and other plants is Planned. In one of the experiments a radiation measurement unit, was developed by scientists of the Kiel University.

In the command center in Beijing, technicians monitor the Mission.

The rocket “Long March 3B” with the space vehicle was at 8. December launched from the satellite launch centre in Xichang in the South of China. With a smooth flow of the moon mission, China wants to prove that its ambitious space program is making great progress. In 2013, the spacecraft “Chang’e 3 was” the first that landed, since “Luna 24” of the Soviet Union in 1976 on the moon.

China’s ambitious targets

Up to 2021 will China develop a reusable rocket. You should be able to carry more cargo than the models of NASA and the private space travel company SpaceX. In addition, China is planning a base on the moon, a manned space station and a Mars vehicle.

With information from Benjamin Eyssel, ARD Studio in Beijing

China wants to land on the other side of the moon, 07.12.2018 China’s journey behind the moon probe, Chang’e 4, Benjamin Eyssel, ARD Peking |audio Atlas |China |Beijing
