Gray and cloudy are the letters in the mejlkorgen on nyårsdagens morning, don’t they stand still either. But slowly comes up. It does not say that, yes, it says: ”The most important thing is not what you can, but who you know”. It is a significant social medierföretags mailing to all the us of millions that has gone on, in all cases not dared to refuse, to membership in which is the only way to a livelihood.

the Message in the mobilskärmens, warm light is like a revelation, perhaps it is the only årskrönikan in babbelfriad miniature that someone may need. For it is something that the new winds brought during the past year – really the past decade, but a completely new insight counts more – so is it just nätverkskulturens domination. Your skills have less and less with anything to do, everything is about what you have seen to know. And who wants to know you.

called nätverkskulturen for ”gubbars saint helena”, or variations on this, and was aimed at directors and the chairman of the board appointments and provisions, services, and reciprocity on the part, which thrived in the informal but for other sealed-off world that their saunas meant. This does not need to be added to the upset in the community over this sweaty svineri was comprehensive: it is Undemocratic. Concentrating the power to groups of friends. No transparency. So let some of the perfectly reasonable protests.

There is a so-essentially different world from our (the upset, not the sauna) that it could almost be a question on the allegations against the Saddukeerna in the New Testament, which shall have been representatives of the higher clergy and the grandees and the rich in general. The saunas directors may have dressed and gone out on the golf course at this point, or maybe they take their snack in the cockpit during the Gotland runt, the phenomenon still has failure in the flesh.

It was also a physical club that was the focus of the Swedish Academy, the galloping crisis, but the upset this has been concentrated to other things (albeit understandably) than the shameless affectation that received parts of the cultural life to suffer horrifically boring events, merely to the network, and the proximity to the power, benefit.

upset over the day, it has only adopted a digital form and increased in strength. The number of unknown cases is probably large, as they say, when you don’t have a clue, but maybe nätlismandet as big a danger to democracy as näthatet.

Those who dressed themselves with other hängbukar in a sauna was, after all, a right narrow circle, in the day only needed a membership of about two pieces of social media, elementary skills in flattery (themselves and others) and no shame in the body. Lajka, heart and styrkekrama just about anything, obviously posted by them with any kind of power, and to publish the same stuff yourself. And get the same reactions. I see you as you see me. Win-Win.

Social medierföretaget could put into a sentence: ”And who are your parents.” In the day of the flooding, particularly the popular culture of the of the children of a once successful musician, artists, musical artists, golfers, anything just the name strikes a chord in people’s tits. All are of course gorgeous, but it’s not impossible that someone, so to say, from the bottom up had created something better. Perhaps a resistance against an industry without friends ‘ sore toes. But it is a question of academic nature, they do not feel are the right people and will never be heard.

Read more chronicles of Niklas Wahllöf here . For example, this: ”Ungdomsfixering? I see rather a parade of the old shock in the media.”