Ostend, A volunteer from the animal shelter Blue Cross the Coast in Ostend has Wednesday morning a dumped bostonterriër found in the hondenloopweide, 20 metres from the asylum. “The dog was undernourished, hypothermic and in shock. The former owner would be embarrassed”, says Fabrice Goffin, chairman of the asylum.

The bostonterriër of about two years old and had a jacket on and there was also a dish with dog food in the loopweide. “But with these cold temperatures had the dog, both may die. It is incomprehensible that the owner and his dog didn’t have to give away in the asylum, twenty metres away. It happens, however, every week that people their four-legged friend to bring us because they no longer can take care of from financial or family reasons. That is unfortunate, but people need not be ashamed of. Your dog dumps in the hope that found, previously, owners would, however, be ashamed of,” says president Fabrice Goffin. The animal was not microchipped and was wearing neither a collar.

The bostonterriër, that the name Olivier got so far, now on to the radiators of the animal shelter. Later, Oliver might be free for adoption. The asylum did now report it to the police of Ostend, which is a call spread on the social media. “Do you have more information about the owner, please contact our services via the e-mail address pz.oostende.milieuhandhaving@police.belgium.eu” sounds the communication of the Ostend police.

22 staffords they would

According to Fabrice Goffin, there are as yet no christmas gift-dogs brought into the shelter. “We expect only from march, when the puppies are larger begin. That does not mean, however, that our shelter is not full, namely with 38 dogs, of which 22 staffords they would,” said Goffin.