It was svårvallat and it was not only the English riders, who at times seemed to stand still in the snow in Oberstdorf.

Stina Nilsson, who was fifth overall before the tiokilometersloppet, had major problems and ended up just over 56 seconds after the victorious Norwegian Ingvild Flugstad Östberg.

” I felt that I really had material under your feet in the day that gave me justice. It is jättefrustrerande when you almost get afraid in order to strain the feet when there is so much snow under them, ” says Nilsson to SVT.

” I know that the banks tried to solve it as good as possible for us, but today we missed a little bit. I now look forward to come home and land a bit, ” says Nilsson, who now follow his plan and breaks the Tour de Ski.

the Problem in Wednesday’s race also had american Jessica Diggins, who led the Tour de Ski a second before Flugstad Östberg before Wednesday’s race.

Already after 2.5 kilometres, had Diggins lost 14 seconds to the lead was eleven in goal, 58 seconds after Flugstad Östberg.

was a long time up there and pulled but it was Ingvild Flugstad Østberg, who set the color of the race and when it is well pulled together, it was a spurtstrid between the Flugstad Østberg and Russian Natalia Nepryaeva.

Flugstad Östberg had one-tenth to the good in goal thanks to a much better stretch on the leg than the Russian.

Moa Molander Kristiansen finished in 25th place and Lisa fell called vinsa outlined in goal number 27.

it’s time for the chasing start based on the position in the Tour de Ski after Wednesday’s tiokilometerslopp.

a Cold Sömskar cancels the Tour de Ski