C-G Pernbring the view, in a letter to the editor on the DN View that we should reintroduce kristendomsundervisning in schools. I think this is a great idea, but then it should be a teaching that follows the Agency’s guidelines on a scientific basis.

The teaching Pernbring refers to – and that I, too, suffered – is based on myths and legends and has a certain historical basis. The big difference between christianity and other religious mythology is that the former takes place in a real environment with a number of real people, while most of the other mythologies of what goes on in a fantasimiljö.

arose and developed, and as far as it can identify persons who may be deemed to have existed in reality, would enrich the american culture.

Everything has its beginning around the fire. When man learned to master fire could be from a height or a tree to see the other bosättningars basins as points of light, in good visibility in open terrain far beyond the area they knew. When the man looked up at the sky and saw all the stars, realized what a great kingdom it must be up there, and we must have fallen down from there.

How the propagation goes to had certainly had insight for a long time. So appeared ”the chicken or the egg-problem”. Which was first, the offspring or the parent? Most species are strongly patriarchal, the man is no exception. It was subsequently concluded that there must be a father. Mother had to think about.

walked on through the generations. Various legends, gods, and people have come and gone.

When the art of writing arose about 5,000 years ago, you could start drawing things. Many of the first skrivsätten is developed in the Middle east, including in Iraq and Egypt.

It is therefore no coincidence that the christian mythology has its cradle in there. The oldest known scriptures, the other is the so-called dead sea scrolls are approximately 2,000 years old. These stories had long ago developed into the religion that later in the Roman empire was christianity about a hundred years into our common era.

a god of any christianity in the beginning with the persecutions and executions. Year 385 was instead elevated to the state religion and the only allowed.

the Emperor was now also god’s vicegerent on earth, something that played a very big role in the further development. Kings and emperors have been subsequently underlined his power with that they are extension of god and among other things introduced talespråk as ”a crime against the king is the equivalent of a crime against god”.

the Church and the clergy have always been close to the king and taken advantage of to support these views. When the roman empire was at its zenith about the year 500, the whole of the Middle east and large parts of Europe.

continued the kings, of course, with the same monarchy. It was an incredibly strong weapon to threaten with eternal torment if they did not follow the king’s edicts.

the Myth was law and bankades in with the sword in the same way as IS done in modern times. It also became statutory in most countries. In Sweden, the bands are still not completely cut off, despite the fact that formally separated the church from the state, that so late as the year 2000, and only in 1997 was the statement that ”the school must rest on a christian basis” removed from the education act.

In many countries, the christian mythology is still enforced in different ways. You can very clearly see the link the roman empire – the colonial powers – the colonies. Most of the countries where the christian myth of the day is strongly rooted are either parts of the old Roman empire or countries that are strongly influenced by England, Spain or Portugal.