Kortrijk Actress Leen Dendievel (35), best known for her role as transgender Kaat Bomans in One soap at Home, is committed to the full year 2019 for the good purpose in. She makes on Facebook know how she does it: “I wear now is always a savings to me. For every selfie, I ask for something in the potty to stop. That can go from 1 cent to…” The proceeds goes to the Flemish Parkinson Liga, where Leen Dendievel has been two years m from.

The League informs and supports patients with Parkinson’s disease. It is a disease in which nerve cells slowly die off. The most common symptoms are stiffness of the limbs, slower movement, shaking or trembling, a stooped posture and lacks expression of the face. Leen Dendievel lives in Antwerp, but is out of Kooigem origination, the smallest municipality of Kortrijk. She comes there almost every week, because her family lives there. Leen Dendievel brings the end of 2019 with the proceeds of the savings a visit to The Warmest Week of the benefit Music for Life on Studio Brussel.