The 34-year-old Danish pop star Shaka Loveless who in 2012 got its big breakthrough with the hit single, ‘Idle’, must be a father for the first time.

he writes on his Instagram profile.

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happy new year lovely menneskernu we go to Rome – all three

A spread shared by Shaka Loveless (@shakaloveless)

‘happy new year, lovely people. Now we go to Rome – all three’, writes Shaka Loveless to a picture, where he stands together with his girlfriend, three years younger dancer Stephanie Nguyen, as he has met through his friend the artist Wafande.

to Ekstra Bladet confirms Shaka Loveless’ manager, Lasse Boman, the joyous news.

‘It is not good enough’, he writes in an email to Ekstra Bladet.

He says that the parents-to-be looks forward to two turns to three. He does not want to go into detail with, when familieforøgelsen takes place.

‘They are happy, the time they keep to themselves’, says Lasse Boman.

even Though Stephanie Nguyens fingers are covered with rings in the picture, the manager also not immediately a wedding in sight in the near future.

Danish well-known – 2. jan. 2019 – at. 13:23 English comedian got engaged on Maui

on Wednesday, overturning it in with congratulations to the pair on top of the unveiling of the familieforøgelsen.

Several well-known danes have also been at the keys.

‘Good trip. And good luck with the pregnancy. See you soon’, writes Lars Lilholt, who at the end of January taking with Shaka Loveless at a larger church tour.

’the Ame for heaven’s sake – a big tillykkeeee’, writes the tv host Sofie Linde.

‘Where ARE the great’, writes Anne Mette Voss, who is known especially for his part in ‘The big bagedyst’.