“Forgotten fredskämpe high-class”

“Carsten Palmær on the Swedish region who fought against war and poverty”

“In English, they are known as ”do-gooders” or the ”radical chic” – the rich and the famous people who have taken the party for the poor on the earth. There are those who fly first class between the French castle, prayer and spiritual practice, in Hiroshima, ateljévåningar in New York and gatukravaller in Santiago.”

“Their fellow men, excites the fury: What do they have the right to bring the oppressed in action? They should not be content to quietly see their fortunes grow, vote with the right and give a donation to the city mission?”

“their money and Their self-esteem they have retained. They dress in cashmere and silk, and do not hesitate to call and lecture the minister of foreign affairs in the middle of the night. “

“In the right’s eyes, they are traitors both to their country and class, the naive advocates of foreign dictators, the gullible victims of penningsugna fraudsters posing as freedom fighters. At the same time irritating to the lost and daughters-in-law by their obvious way to determine and their claims on the attendants.”

“by the Swedish Author Edita Morris – born Edith Toll in Örebro, sweden, in 1903 – was a brilliant representative of this not-too-common generation. Now she has been given a biography, written by Monica Braw. Morris grows up in an impoverished noble family in Stockholm. Societetsskönhet. Get married early with Ira Morris, the son of the american ambassador, scrupulous heir to a number of million that his snåle and puritanske grandfather rubbed together in Chicago’s slaughterhouses.”

“Daddy, the ambassador gives the young couple a pleasant small castle outside Paris, where they settle as a writer. Life, they seem to have loved each other dearly, even if Edita 1931 embarking on a more than ten-year love story with the painter Nils Dardel. ”Physical fidelity belongs in the passage of slaskhink” writes the Publication, ”but I have sworn loyalty to those I love, and loyalty unto death”.”

“The only child, son Ivan, taking the nannies and boarding schools. “

“the War years spent in the united states and Latin america. Edita Morris hang out in the circle around Bert Brecht, become friends with Hanns Eisler and Ruth Berlau and decide: A life not devoted to the fight against fascism and the war is a wasted life.”

“His international breakthrough in may, Edita Morris – who wrote their books in English – with a short novel, However, flowers, a story about the people who survived the kärnvapenattackerna against Japan in August 1945. Besides a couple of autobiographical books, it was the poor on earth that she wanted to write about: vietnamese it is the only, indonesian prisoners, jamaican cleaning ladies.”

“However, the flowers and How are you doing hope good stories are about women trying to live a human life in inhuman conditions. It was suggested sometimes that Morris is not in depth understood the people she wrote about. Today, when writers from Indonesia, Vietnam and Jamaica speak in their own thing, she is forgotten. “

“Edita Morris was keen to let other voices than his own: Maja Ekelöfs Report from a skurhink came as a revelation for her. She took the initiative and paid for – a prize competition for the scandinavian worker-writer. But the quality of the entries, she was never satisfied with.”

“the Son of Ivan became one of the world’s top japanologer. He was one of the founders of the american branch of Amnesty International. Edita Morris terrorized his son with love, scolded him and raised him to the skies, provided how he would live, threatened to make him arvlös if he didn’t end with the one his fiancée, and insisted that he would marry the other. “

“Monica Braws biography of the writer and peace campaigner Edita Morris is respectful and critical. Braw signs also the background to the Morris writer: the Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya, the mass murder of leftist forces in Greece and Indonesia and, above all, the hundreds of thousands of civilian victims of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It is a very well written story about a very complex woman, personal without being smeared.”

“In the generous selection of disasters that in the day shadowing the future of humanity has kärnvapenkriget been overlooked for the climate threat. Edita Morris used his considerable talents to try to portray nuclear war and the global orättvisornas consequences. Even if her short, simple and strong stories are tucked away in libraries magazine, there is good reason to read both them and the Earth is our home.”