“Children should not be forced to choose one of the parents”

“Debater: The young have become a tool that is abused at the separation”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. Parental Alienation (PA), föräldraalienation in Swedish, has for many years been a disputed concept. “

“the Term means a parent, sometimes unconsciously, trying to obstruct and thwart a child’s contact with the other parent. “

“Studies show that children who have had experiences of things often get difficult problems as adults. At the side of the relationship problems of these children shows they have abuse and suicide rates that are ten times higher than the average population. But also other types of anti-social behaviour is a regular sequence. “

“Staff Alienation is already enshrined in legislation in a number of countries and is about to enter in more. ”Estrangement and Parental Alienation” is now in the ICD-11, International Classification of Diseases, published by the WHO and is the internationally most well-known diagnostic manual.”

“the main argument against föräldraalienation in Sweden has been that the child does not go to affect, and that children (and adults for that matter) is not the father of untruth when they say that they do not want to meet with a parent. Today, there are a plethora of studies that show the opposite. “

“Therefore, it is not only counterproductive, but closest to the criminal to prevent a child’s vardagskontakt with a parent. “

“Children are the best to live alternately with the parents after a separation. It shows, for example, Elvis-the study at the Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University, ”Children in alternate accommodation – a review”. “

“the Same study shows how important it is that the parents are in agreement. For the child, it is stressful to be torn between parents, may be forced to become a mediator and, in the worst cases, forced to choose between the parents. To not choose is also a choice, and that in these situations talk about the child’s free will is naive.”

“the Year 2006 was a change in the parental code, which has become an effective tool for a parent who wants to complicate a child’s vardagskontakt with the other parent.”

“”custody investigation” , that was set up to evaluate the 2006 law change, the commission notes that the amendment in 2006 ”probably been konfliktdrivande”. From a child’s perspective, it is about the worst thing that could have happened. “

“in Addition, we know today that the number of parental child abduction quickly doubled after the amendment in 2006 and then gradually continue to increase.”

“A parent’s opportunity to shut out the other parent has been given priority over the needs of the child by both of their parents. That we, in Sweden, where we repeat the mantra ”the best interests of the child shall be paramount” legislation and practice that gives priority to a parent’s right in front of the child’s needs is cynical, hypocritical and outdated. “

“It has been easy for the entire chain, from the social services to court to hide behind that femåringen or ten say they do not want to meet the other parent. Then they do not need to take any decision. This is added in place of the minor which of and with this becoming a target for severe impact and a disproportionate lojalitetspress. “

“then What is the ”best interest of the child”? So here ” says psychologist Lena Hellblom Sjögren:”

“A child, or a parent, the need for protection is often used as an argument to capture a child’s contact with a parent. Or both for that matter. “

“of Course, the children handed out to violent parents who commit abuse. But it is not compatible with a rule of law that cut of föräldraband for one of the parents claiming any such thing. Even here, it must be beyond a reasonable doubt. If not, weigh the child’s need of contact with the parents heavier.”

“This is perhaps one of the reasons that föräldraalienation not been recognized in Sweden. The Swedish public debate has largely been focused on physical violence and physical abuse.”

“Unicef has recently drawn attention to the psychological abuse of children on her blog, where you equate psychological violence with physical violence.”

“Föräldraalienation is a severe form of psychological abuse. It is a shame that Sweden allows this and ignores the child’s needs of their parents. “

“Children and young people are feeling increasingly worse. PA, främmandegörande, is a serious form of child abuse. It is now required that the social services and the law enforcement authorities put the prestige and obsolete locks to the side and deal with a large problem that affects many children’s mental health and well-being. “

“We are talking about tens of thousands of children who happen into this every year.”

“nMatts Hertsberg, president of the Association PappaBarn”

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