The largest country in Latin America is facing a shift to the right: the former paratrooper, Jair Bolsonaro-a right-wing Populist takes over the highest office in Brazil. The 63-Year-old put on Tuesday in the Congress, his oath of office and took over the government Palace, the Planalto, the presidential sash from his predecessor, Michel Temer. Thus, Brazil is heading towards a radical change of direction.

“We now have a unique opportunity for our country to rebuild,” said Bolsonaro. “Today is the day to start, to the people, to free themselves from socialism, from the state of gigantism and the politically Correct.”

Previously, he was driven, together with his wife Michelle in an open Rolls Royce through the capital, Brasilia. His followers Bolsonaros campaign slogan: “Brazil chanted over all, God over all.” Critics fear that Bolsonaro to the protection of minorities, rules for the conservation of nature relax and company, in their shops largely have a free Hand. Some see in him a danger for the still young democracy of Brazil.

praise, however, model Donald Trump came from Bolsonaros. “Congratulations to President Jair Bolsonaro, has just held a great speech at the inauguration of the USA are with you!”, the US President wrote on Twitter.

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The Ex-military, is described by analysts as the “Trump of the tropics”, retaliated immediately: “Dear President Trump, I appreciate your encouraging words, really. Together and under God’s protection, we will bring our people prosperity and progress.“

Personally Minister Mike Pompeo, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Hungarian head of government Viktor Orban, the Chilean President, Sebastián Piñera, and even the left-wing Bolivian head of state Evo Morales congratulated in the ceremony in Brasilia, U.S. Department of state. Bolsonaros supporters celebrated the inauguration of their hero on the streets and squares. “Myth, myth”, they shouted, and: “The captain has come.”

came to office in difficult times for Brazil

human rights activists and environmentalists expect to Bolsonaros took office, the worst of it. The new President had expressed repeatedly made derogatory comments about Black people, Indigenous people and homosexuals and the military dictatorship in Brazil praised. He announced that no further protected areas for indigenous communities to designate and facilitate access to weapons.

in Addition, Bolsonaro toying with an exit from the Paris climate protection agreement and will provide additional areas in the Amazon region for economic use. This could thwart international efforts in the fight against climate change, because of the Brazilian rain forest as a CO2-storage of global importance.

The ideology of the new heads of state as “Bala, Boi e a Bíblia” (ball, cattle, and Bible). Evangelical Christians, nationalist military and the neo-liberal economic elite supported his election campaign. Which of these groups have very different interests – while Bolsonaros term of office will set the tone, is still unclear.

“He takes on Brazil in difficult times,” says Peter Hakim, from the research Institute Inter-American Dialogue. “He needs to form coalitions, since his party has only about ten percent of the seats in Parliament. The not, to succeed him, he will have problems to implement its policies.“

In his speech, Bolsonaro announced a “national Pact” to Brazil. In the next four years, the right wants to be populist, the widespread corruption, crime curb and to boost the economy. To be part of his Cabinet the prominent Anti-corruption investigators, Sergio Moro, and the ultra-liberal economist Paulo Guedes. Among his Ministers, seven Ex-military.

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swearing-in of Jair Bolsonaro Brazil’s sharp swing to the right

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“corruption, privileges and benefits. We will keep track of day and night, our goal is to create prosperity and security for our citizens,“ said Bolsonaro. At the conclusion of his inaugural speech, he made his reputation as a Communist enemy once again all honor. He waved the Brazilian Flag, and cried: “This is our flag – and you will never be red.” (dpa)