Many nazi persecution to Britain to escape of jewish families to the German citizens would march in front of a brexit.Nick Ross is now both British and German passport. Flickr./Wikimedia Commons
the Popular Crimewatch television programme, ex-presenter Nick Ross does not, however, decided to apply for German citizenship, the restoration of britain’s EU difference, i.e. the brexit, but because he wanted to ”past back”. Brexit yes facilitate your decision.
Ross ‘ grandparents fled with her children from Berlin in 1933, when the Adolf Hitler became chancellor.
my Grandmother Annie Rosenbluth sent the teenage son Hans , my father, to buy a train ticket to London from Berlin as soon as Hitler had been appointed, Nick Ross told The Times newspaper in October 2018.
my Grandmother locked outside of Berlin to have a summer villa for the door, returned to our home in Berlin’s Tiergarten district and packed with us all, which we were able to bear. Then he closed the apartment. He left Germany together with Hans and Dina -with her daughter, and never wanted to go back.
Tens of thousands of jews fled from Germany to Britain before and during the second world war.
Brexit was the last straw
Nick Ross was born 71 years ago in the Uk and is a us citizen. He came the first time his father was born in Berlin after the wall came down and was introduced gradually, his family and the German in the past, until I finally decided to apply for German citizenship restored.
the German constitution, article 116, according to former German citizens and their heirs who have been deprived of citizenship, ”political, racial and religious-based reasons”, are eligible for citizenship restoration. Ross is one of them, which the constitution article 116 applies.
I Want my past back, Ross told the Daily Mail newspaper.
I Know that many nazi victims are able to forgive the nazi Germany time events, but I also know anti-semitism flourishing in many countries of the world. I don’t know, however, any country whose citizens would have faced terrible deeds eye to eye in the same way as the German majority, Ross said.
Ross admits, however, britain’s future in the EU-the difference have affected also the decision to apply for German citizenship for the restoration, like many others.
the German statistics, the citizenship return get the number of it is downright exploding brexit-after the vote in June 2016. In 2015 only 622 britons apply for citizenship restitution, but in 2016-2017, already about 10 000, i.e. more than two times more than in the 2000-2015 period.
Ten percent of the applicants are of the jewish faith. A large part of the wants a German passport brexit. They want to keep their european identity and their lives, and consider the difference between stupid or impractical.
Ross received a German passport in the fall and said it was a very emotional moment. He wrote a thank you letter to chancellor Angela Merkel .
dear mrs. federal chancellor. Don’t read this letter ever. But I hope that the employees will tell You briefly about the English tv presenter, who just got a German passport. It was a very emotional moment, Ross wrote and thanked still letters at the end of it, how well Germany has dealt with its past and praised chancellor Angela Merkel.
the Letter made an impact and merkel’s spokesperson Steffen Seiffert leave the Ross merkel’s personal thanks.
Ross, according to a German citizen returning was also about right-wing populism of the opposition in Europe.
I wanted To attach myself to a liberal and civilised society. It’s time to get a decent side, Ross said the Süddeutsche Zeitungille.
Sources: Süddeutsche Zeitung, The Times, the JC, the Daily Mail