Ryoyu Kobayashi is literally flying for the time being.

Tuesday won japaneren for the second time in two attempts in firebakketurneringen, when he took the victory in the traditional nytårsskihop in the German Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

Kobayashi ended up with 266,6 points for his two jumps. It was 1.9 more than German Markus Eisenbichler and 10,4 more than Polish Dawid Kubacki in third place.

Ryoyu Kobayashi was the best after the first round of jumps, however, with hjemmebanefavoritten Eisenbichler in france.

In the course of the second hoprunde it was clear to Kamil Stoch, who won last year, would not defend his victory. The goal was admittedly a long time at the top, but was surpassed by the Czech Roman Koudelka.

He was shortly after released of Dawid Kubacki, who was the best in Monday’s qualification.

According to him, lacked only Markus Eisenbichler and Ryoyu Kobayashi to jump for the second time. Kubacki was thus sure, as a minimum, to end up as number three.

Eisenbichler got the German audience break out in cheers, when he after his second jump took a tentative first place.

But Kobayashi would it different and set shortly after the stroke, he is the world’s best ski jumper right now by taking the victory, to the great chagrin of the many spectators.

The German skihoplegende Sven Hannawald is thus still the most recent German, who has won the prestige competition 1. January.

he did It in the 2001/2002 season, where he as the first in the history won all four competitions in the firebakketurneringen in the same season.

A performance, Kamil Stoch matched in 2018.

the Next competition in this season’s firebakketurnering is on Friday in the austrian city of Innsbruck.

the First section was held on Sunday in the German Oberstdorf. Here won Ryoyu Kobayashi in front of Markus Eisenbichler and austrian Stefan Kraft.

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