Mascha Vang is not hesitate to display his life until, when it goes well. But her thousands of followers are also allowed to see behind the die cut for the periods of time it hurts or is less fat to be known.

The 39-year-old blogger shows both his life until, when she has a migraine, and when she once again has burned a portion of food.

But there are limits to what Mascha Vang puts out on social media and feed readers on her blog, she says to Aarhus Stiftstidende.

-I hold again, when it’s about others. I ask, for example, always on the law, if I want to share something about Troels’ (Mascha Vangs gf, red) work or pictures of his children. But I give much of myself, and I are myself in the things I share, she says.

Mascha Vang has spent 20 years to build itself up as a brand. It has cost me blood, sweat, tears and a serious game of stress to get where she is known by most in Denmark, and where her followers know her so well, that they help with both finding a partner and a dining table for her.

-I’m aware that I’m Mascha Vang, when I go out at the door. I would like to make a good impression. And I would like people to think I’m approachable, ” she says.

-I is the both Mascha Vang and Marianne Christensen. Over the years, I would have been more Marianne. I also have days where I’m in a bad mood. Where I just want to save me a little away, or maybe not, just wants to greet everyone, says Mascha Vang, it also says in the interview with Aarhus Stiftstidende, that she often get shot in the shoes, it all looks so easy for her.

-It is hardcore business, and there is a lot of hard work and sleepless nights behind. The trick is just to get it to look really easy out, says Mascha Vang.

Danish celebrity – 30. nov. 2018 – at. 05:51 Tv-celebrity goes in flæsket on the known ex-girlfriend

Mascha Vang has just moved to Kolding, where she and her daughter, Hollie Nolia, now lives with her boyfriend and his two children. It was one of the Vangs followers, who had forged her along with jagerpiloten Troels Krohn Deli.

Mascha Vang with her boyfriend. Photo: Mogens Flindt