Discrepancies between the clubbers led the new year’s eve, a 19-year-old man was knivdræbt in inner Copenhagen. Ekstra Bladet learns that the 19-year-old was hit by multiple stabbings. It wants the police to neither confirm or deny this.

Copenhagen Police received in a short time the reviews about the stabbing at two different addresses in Copenhagen.

the Clock had just passed four when the Police got a notification about a stabbing at Hauser Plads and Kultorvet. Here were two small groups of young men bumped into each other, and two 20-year-old was stabbed with knives. They are both outside the citadel.

Shortly after the police once a report of stabbing around the intersection of Gothersgade and Borgergade. It was here that the 19-year-old lost his life while three 20-year-old men also were stabbed with knives, is a safe place.

– Knivstikkerierne, respectively, the Cities and Gothersgade has no context, informs vicepolitiinspektør Knud Hvass, Copenhagen Police in a press release.

112 – 1. jan. 2019 – at. 09:15 Bloody new year’s eve: One arrested after knivdrab

– It seems to be discrepancies between the clubbers, which develops and leads to this tragic incident. We are still in full swing with the investigation and would very much like to talk with anyone who has been to the present or to know anything about what has happened, says Knud Hvass.

on Tuesday morning informed the Copenhagen Police to the Ekstra Bladet, a person had been arrested “under suspicious circumstances” in connection with the overnight stabbing. The person is at present, not charged in the case.

– It is too early to say anything more about the person’s role, we are in the process to have an overview over, says Knud Hvass in the press release.

Here it appears that the relatives of the killed man is informed. At present, there is no evidence that knivstikkerierne is banderelaterede.

the Investigation continues at full pressure, so when there will be arrests I do not know, but we have an expectation that we will probably have solved the case, says Knud Hvass for the Extra Magazine.