When you look on the table in Copenhagen a nytårsmorgen, one must take themselves to the head of all the mess and all the vandalism, which is the result of the new year. The same is the case in Aarhus, and many other places in the country. The danes have apparently got the idea that they can pig so much they want to, and that others must clean up after them while they sleep branderten out.

But within the municipality’s own people when to get on the street to do clean, are groups of Muslims for Peace in the walk – at his own expense and of their own initiative.

In Hvidovre, Muslims for Peace cleared up in approx. 20 years. In Aarhus it is only the second year, they are in time. Photo: Ernst van Norde

Muslims for Peace arising out of the mosque in Hvidovre, and as one of our campaigns we started for approx. 20 years ago to clean up after new year’s eve in Hvidovre. We did this in order to do a good deed and to show the community spirit – in order to show that we like to work for our country, says the imam in Aarhus Falah Malik.

Oprydderne get started early in the morning. Photo: Ernst van Norde

He adds, that they see it as a selfless piece of work, and even buying plastic bags, gloves and the green of the armour, which oprydderne carries.

– seven years ago we began to clean up on the town hall square in Copenhagen, and after that I moved to Aarhus, as the imam for our small congregation here, we have also begun to clear up in Aarhus. It is the second year now, he explains.

Even the million cigarette butts, which are stepped down between the cobbles, to be picked up. Photo: Ernst van Norde

Muslims for Peace arising out of the Ahmadiyya trossammfundet, and their views on islam and the quran is not shared by the other muslim congregations. Nevertheless, the ‘ Muslims for Peace each year, other muslim groups to participate in the oprydningerne and a way to make a symbolic effort for their country.

– this year we had two muslims from a different ward in the city of Aarhus. We are so happy. As always when you take the initiative, it must have its time. While we continue undeterred our cleanup nytårsmorgen, and I want to stress that we are pleased to be able to help, says imam Falah Malik.

Nytårsoprydningen would the more appear to be a daunting task, but Muslims for Peace goes to the task with high spirits and great energy. Photo: Ernst van Norde