The story of the cranes is a success story actually. Yet in 1993, only 1600 to 1900 breeding pairs were counted – once in the decades before, many of the water areas dry up and the birds had lost their livelihoods. They were, in the meantime, even on the Red list of endangered animals. However, that all changed. Today, there are around 9000 breeding pairs in Germany: the protection here is a model for other countries.
Also in the biosphere reserve Schorfheide-Chorin in Brandenburg have increased the cranes. “You need a very diverse landscape and prefer the chick rearing forest areas”, says Beate Blahy, a freshly retired employee of the administration of the biosphere reserve. There are at least 520 crane pairs live on 1300 square kilometers, a Germany-wide unique density. In total, there are in Brandenburg, around 2750 breeding pairs and 5,000 non-breeding cranes. Cranes nest usually beginning in the fourth year of life.

cranes need undisturbed water surface with insects

Some stay for the winter, others return in mid-February from their winter quarters in France and Spain. In this country, the grey birds are considered messengers, therefore, also as a spring. Beate Blahy was in many crane projects, has raised several crane orphans and let them go. As a result of the increase in crane numbers, you could register in the last few years, increasingly broods in Feldsöllen and shallow lake shores. “The crucial factor for a successful rearing of the two Chicks, and place in an undisturbed water surface insects, spiders, in addition to the safe hatching, Regenwürner as a feed basis,” said Blahy. Cranes build their Ground nests to the water, on a small sandy island, on the Tree of a alder. Here, the scrim is largely protected from predators.
Some of the thousands of animals spend the winter, in the meantime, in the state of Brandenburg, in the case of heavy snowfall, you soft in the snow poorer regions. In the past, mainly in dry years, however, there were fewer breeding record of success, says Blahy: The pairs are not nested when nesting sites are dry like that. “I’m warning for years that our crane can tilt the population quickly.” Climate change is a cause of intensified land use on the other. “Cranes need insect-rich grassland. The there is hardly. Corn and rape seed fields, traps as feeding areas for the young from rearing as well as intensive ordered fields of Grain.“

“The village of Linum lives from the crane”

The cranes are popular, they also attract tourists. Of an “impressive tourist potential,” says Lars Lachmann, species conservation officer of NABU Germany. The main grid areas in Europe, the Rügen-Bock-Region, the Linum pond landscape in the prignitz to the North-West of Berlin, as well as the Diepholzer Moorniederung. “The village of Linum, around lives the crane,” says Lachmann. “When here in October, more than 100,000 cranes in the evenings, flying in the shallow ponds for the Night, then this is an incredible natural spectacle.”
cranes rest here for a few days on the train to the South and fill your food storage. On beernteten corn fields, refer to grains from which they eat every day, about 300 grams – 100,000 crane, 30 tons a day with the oaks.
Brandenburg has even exported some of his wealth. In the UK the common crane was hunted to extinction 400 years ago. The resettlement began after five years of preparation, in 2010. With the approval of the Brandenburg authorities, in each case up to 24 eggs were collected for five years from crane nests in the biosphere reserve Schorfheide-Chorin and the British project partner.
The elaborate chick by breeding took place as the cranes clad people. Thus, an embossing was prevented on humans. The first successes are small, but in the meantime, függe: 2018 could go to West Sedgemoor three crane pairs with three young.