“Spacecraft arrived after a twelve year long rekordresa”

“After twelve years of travel through space probe, New Horizons reached the mysterious asteroid Ultima Thule, the most distant celestial body that man been able to study at close quarters.”

“Now hope that it will reveal how planets like earth formed.”

“– way to Go New Horizons! sounded in the speakers at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Maryland at 00.33 on new year’s day local time.”

“Then had the Nasa spacecraft New Horizons flown by Ultima Thule with their cameras and instruments targeted towards the celestial body located 160 million miles beyond Pluto. A human craft has never before visited a celestial body so far out in the universe. The previous record was struck when Pluto was visited in 2015 – also of New Horizons, writes Reuters.”

“Both Pluto and the Ultima Thule is located in the so-called kuiper belt, which is made up of millions of frozen objects in orbit around the sun beyond the orbit of Neptune. The trip started already in 2006, when New Horizons left earth with the aim to study Pluto and the kuiper belt. But Ultima Thule was still unknown to the scientific community then, and it was not until eight years later that it jordnötsformade the object photographed by the Hubble space telescope.”

“because of the distance to the earth will the first pictures from the spacecraft to linger. But a milestone has been reached in the rymdvetenskapen can’t miss.”

“the Physicist and rymdforskaren Hal Weaver, who worked with New Horizons since its inception, says to AFP that the project is at the forefront of planetary research.”

“Now hope to be able to get answers on how planets like earth formed, which is made possible precisely thanks to the fact that the Ultima Thule is so frozen.”

” We have finally reached the outskirts of the solar system and these things that have been there since the beginning and barely changed – we think. We will find out, ” he says.”

“New Horizons weighs 385 pounds and is about as big as a piano. The travel in the 50 to 700 km in an hour.”

“the Spacecraft were launched by Nasa from Cape Canaveral in Florida on January 19, 2006.”

“The July 14, 2015 was the craft, the first to reach Pluto, its moons and other frozen objects in the kuiper belt.”

“the Probe is equipped with seven different science instruments to study the himlakroppars atmosphere, the surface and the bowels of the earth.”

“January 1, 2019 was reached Ultima Thule. Nasa Voyagersonder have travelled further in space, but a craft has never before visited a planet at this distance.”