In Tokyo, is a 21-Year-old with a car in the new year lot of dangers night, specifically in a human. In the case of the incident ten minutes after midnight on the bustling Takeshita street of the Japanese capital, eight people were injured, local media reported. The 21-Year-old grip on the road, another man and injured this also. The man was arrested.

The man was killing with the “intent to” in the crowd of the dangers, said a police spokesman to the AFP news Agency. A student was injured hard and had emergency surgery in the hospital.

The police told Japanese broadcaster NHK that the 21-Year-old initially said he did not want to practice “in retaliation for the death penalty”. It remains unclear whether he was referring to a specific execution or the in Japan, practiced the death penalty in General. More detailed information on his subject, the man did not seem to.

The Takeshita street is a popular shopping area in Tokyo that is for your idiosyncratic fashion, and youth culture. She is internationally known and attracts many tourists.


Created: 01.01.2019, 08:42 PM