You may know this already, when you set new year’s resolutions of a new life without cigarettes, sweets and a healthier weight.

You keep it is hardly.

so it goes for many people’s new year’s resolution. If you want to reach your goals, you totally have to put a new year’s resolution, says Anette Prehn, a sociologist and author.

– I call for to drop a new year’s resolution, eight out of ten of them run aground anyway. The problem with forsættet stranded, is that it reinforces the sense of ’I’m probably not the one who can change me’. It will be yet another defeat.

– new year’s Resolution is to propose to his girlfriend, when one is full. The idea is good, but the timing is bad, she says.

Vaneændringer can be good. But the new year is not necessarily the best time for it, says the sociologist.

– The lightest in the world is to set goals, and many can get a grip on itself to keep it for a few days, weeks or months. But if you want to make changes in his life, you must choose times when you are not moved by sentiment and solemnity.

Right now, you can see that your calendar for 2019 is the right blank. But a blank calendar is not a blank brain. Taking its 86 billion brain cells, and all of its conditioning vanestier in the new year she says.

Three tips to change the habit

. Instead, go in an appropriate direction. Find out what you want, instead of what you don’t want to. The brain do not understand negationer, then you will no longer eat chocolate, think your brain only on the chocolate. Replace, for example, the goal of select health to as often as possible.

Look at the habits you already have, as you can develop, instead of finding something completely new. You will be more social, but the calendar is already crammed? Look at what you already do in the daily, where you can build a social thing upstairs. For example, when you are nonetheless eating lunch.

Help yourself up on the horse again instead of being angry and self-critical, if you fall into the undesirable habit. Otherwise, ’then it can also just be just very’effect started. When you first feel the guilt and shame, you increase the probability that you throw the whole vaneændringen on the floor.

Source: Anette Prehn, a sociologist and author.

The ingrained habits is not just how to get rid of. Therefore, the proposal Anette Prehn, that to approach its goals in an other way than to believe that one can change the way you live, from one day to the other.

– You should preferably set smaller goals in the course of the year. The big new year’s resolution is too disconnected from the everyday life we live in.

It is far from at all, there are able to go cold turkey from the bad habits. But, if you change the circumstances in one’s life slowly, the brain can reach to get used to the new way of life and integrate the usual, quiet and calm.

instead of using the new year to think of starting all over again, it may be a good idea to use the festive season to look back.

– I suggest to use the turn of the year to look back and take the best with them on. What are the paths, I started to go on, and what would be valuable to have with me in 2019? On the way, you can take a backpack with a helpful experience with you instead of overoptimistisk to think that you’re starting from scratch and can do it all, says Anette Prehn and adds:

– Many of us achieve successes in the course of the year, but we forget them immediately, because we are running after the next goal.

Anette Prehn calls for that you take each day as a new opportunity to think about the livserferinger, you can take with you and what new goals you will try to achieve.