At the beginning of the new year can Viggo Mortensen is seen in the film ’the Green Book’, as Peter Farrelly have directed.

Here the player the 60-year-old dane the role as a easier obese petty criminals doorman Tony Lip, who gets a job as a driver for the picky afro-american concert pianist Don Shirley, who must be on concert tour in the segregated south in the UNITED states in the 1960s.

While the play is equal to the højrebenet for Mortensen, as it is far from natural for him to be halvfed. The dane has always held the slim line, and therefore it was a bit of a challenge for him to have to take the good 20 pounds on, as the role required. Should be taken amount of food with lots of calories.

– I really liked it in the beginning. But after a while I got tired of having to eat such amounts. In the weekends I had a tendency to revert to my own habits, and when I came to the recording on Monday, complained the kostumeansvarlige that the pants were a little loose, says Viggo Mortensen with a grin to the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet.

the Cure for the loose pants were single.

– I was forced to consume pizza and donuts, he says.

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With copious quantities of food we managed Viggo Mortensen to take the 20 kilos on to fill Tony’s Lips pant out. In turn, it has been more than difficult for him to come into his own again.

– We completed the shoot in January. Recently I received an email from Peter (Farrelly, ed.) where he wrote, that I might have lost me now. I replied, that I so far I have managed to lose two kilo, says Viggo Mortensen and notes dryly:

– It can be felt that you are not 20 years old anymore.

Viggo Mortensen is nominated for a Golden Globe for his role as Tony Lip in the category of best actor in a comedy film. ‘Green Book’. is also nominated in the category for best comedy film.

the Golden Globe-the show is on June 6. January in the UNITED states – which is the night of 7. January Danish time. It will be the distribution document number 76.

’the Green Book’ has american premiere 21. February 2019.

Viggo Mortensen for the past 60 years in October. Photo: AP