Elizabeth Warren (69) has in recent years become a increasingly prominent figure in american politics. The senator from Massachusetts belongs to the left wing of The democratic party, and is the first real profile of the party who now declares his presidentkandidatur.

the Road up there is long. The democrats should keep their nominasjonsmøte in the summer of 2020, but the announcement means that the election campaign among the candidates sets which are already in progress.

Trump-enemy Elizabeth can take over the throne after the Hillary Comment

Warren has been known as one of Donald Trump’s foremost critics and has been referred to as the president’s nemesis. Now can it be she who set against him in the presidential election in 2020, but the road up there is long, and it can be a large field of democratic candidates who have a desire to throw Trump out from The white house.

If Warren were to win both the nomination and the presidential election, she will be America’s first female president.

The first acid test for the candidates will be nominasjonsmøtene in Iowa in February 2020, which is the first kandidatvalget.

the Relationship between her and the president is, however, very tense, especially after he has given her the derogatory nickname “Pocahontas”.

Background for the nickname is a long saga about the Warrens ethnic background. It should have been under senatorkampanjen her in 2012 that she told him about her upbringing in Oklahoma in the south central united STATES.

“Pocahontas” TEXAS, united STATES: Democrat Beto O’Rourke lost senatorvalget with hardly possible margin in the mellomvalget in the united STATES. After that victory glapp he was most keen to get home and get some sleep. Reporter: Nicolai Eriksen. Video: Øistein Monsen / Dagbladet Show more

When she claimed that she while growing up was told that she had roots among the american Cherokee indians.

Later, neither Warren or researcher managed to prove her indianerrøtter. Thus, there was also speculation that Warren was hired as a law professor at Harvard on false premises, without that it either was ever proven.

Trump has nevertheless insisted on to mention Warren as Pocahontas. Since 2014 he has used the nickname on Twitter throughout the 12 times.

Stood up against Wall Street

Trump has previously said that he hopes Warren will be his in April in 2020, because she will be “easy to beat”.

Warren joined up as a huge star on the american left wing after that she went to a powerful attack on Wall Street after the financial crisis in 2007.

Trump stumbles. But the opposition is struggling to find a candidate that can beat him Comment

In the video where she announces the candidacy of his today, do Warren it is clear that some of her innovation is economic inequality, storkapitalens power and accountability among the authorities.

Corruption poisons its democracy is ours. Politicians look the other way while big insurance companies deny patients life-saving coverage. At the same time rob the big banks consumers while the big oil companies destroying the planet, ” she says in kampanjevideoen.

Warren grew up in a hard-tested family financially, and says she will fight to avoid discrimination against the colored and poor.

Struggling in the polls – I saw mighty men help a mighty man

She has now officially started up a nomination committee, which means that she can start to collect money for a campaign. Warren was in the fall was re-elected to the senatorposisjonen she first won in 2013.

She has long prepared and built alliances in The democratic party nationally to a nominasjonsprosess. Still see a lot of her as for the radical to be able to win in the very important Midwest-states.

Also, the polls show that she currently is a outsider. A poll done by CNN, the Iowa newspaper the Des Moines Register and company Mediacom earlier in December, shows that Warren has eight per cent support among potential valgmøtedeltakere in Iowa. According to the measurement has the lead earlier with vice president Joe Biden (32 per cent) an, followed by Bernie Sanders (19 per cent) and this year’s losing senatskandidat in Texas, Beto O’rourke (11 per cent).

None of these has officially launched its presidentkandidatur.

According to CNN’s poll is in line with the results in a number of national measurements.

” fear “deeply damaged Trump”: – I see no one who can beat him