Lars Mose, his wife and their two girls, five and eight living in one of the great stråtæktshuse, which meets you when you run through the Boes. He is together with his family moved to the city 10 years ago, and have never regretted it for a second.

Like many other families, the family of Moses also celebrate the new year with everything it implies – and this applies also, when it comes to gunpowder.

Lars ,marsh and his daughter Sille Malou is ready for tonight with both the rockets and safety goggles. Photo: Ernst van Norde

There is just a small but, when it comes to gunpowder and the town here south of Aarhus. You must not fire, since the fire hazard is too great with all the old stråtæktshuse.

– I was actually in Nottingham and celebrated the new year 10 years ago, just as we had bought the house and had not moved in. Suddenly I saw our house in the news, and it was on the way, I found out that you had guys. Everyone around the table was dying of laughter. They thought it was comical, to just I had bought a house in a place where there might not be fired, says Lars Mose.

Fortunately, the problems to be solved.

in the past it was absolutely forbidden, to fire nytårskrudt in the Boes, but in recent years, it has been how the citizens can meet in a field away from the city. It brings together all of their shared interest this one night of the year – namely gunpowder. Being fired by both at 18, so all the kids can be with, but also later at 24 o’clock to celebrate the new year.

In the city of Boes, there are approximately 30 houses. Many of them are older houses with thatched roofs. Else and Michael have lived in the city since 1999. Photo: Ernst van Norde

– It is really nice that we meet down there. Almost everyone in the town comes, and it does nothing at all, that we must not fire the of the at home. In fact, I think almost, that it is cozier, we will all meet.

Not quite so impressed they are on the opposite side of the road. Opposite the family Bog live namely Else and Michael Madsen. They have for many years held its breath, when the bell has moved much closer to midnight.

Else and Michaels house is from the 1700s and renovated by Else and her son. Photo: Ernst van Norde

– We have the sweetest neighbors, but it doesn’t change that I hate, hate, HATE new year’s eve, tells, Else Madsen, as every year almost sitting with a lump in your throat when the day is approaching.

even Though it all takes place far away from all the houses, is the couple in the beautiful old stråtæktshus still not quite comfortable with the situation.

– It is after all my baby this house – and almost more than that. It is from the 1700s, and we have even renovated it. I know that it only requires a match, and then there’s fire in all the dirt, says Else Madsen worried.

When Lars Mose shows the gunpowder in the evening, and you then ask what he actually has acted in for, he answers simply and laughing:

I can simply not say. I would really like to keep my marriage.

In raketlageret is that both big rockets, small rockets, batteries, and witch-like howl to the girls – and of course goggles.

Despite the disagreement on new year’s eve, genboerne usually really good friends. It is the sure that the also early in the morning. Photo: Ernst van Norde

Michael Madsen on the other side of the street smile a little crooked.

– I think the, you should buy a bigger car. The last longer and sends the same signals.

Although the neighbors do not completely agree on how to celebrate new year’s eve, it’s good, they agree to do the other 364 days of the year.

– We have the actually fantastic with each other, smile, Else, who, however, also intend to look out, when the clock strikes midnight.