The police investigation and the prosecution, according to broker has provided lots a sauna, a parking area and a sauna in the locker room at least four times in February, march, may and June.Kaupinojan sauna Näsijärvi shore is known for many famous swimmers and sauna. Juha Veli Jokinen

the Tampere winter swimming enthusiasts received a new year’s eve bombshell, when the Pirkanmaa district court in the largest cocaine case reading found out that Näsijärvi beach Kaupinojan winter swimming sauna, the locker room compartments and a parking area have been cocaine media.

the police investigation and the prosecution, according to broker has provided lots a sauna, a parking area and a sauna in the locker room at least four times in February, march, may and June. The July batch was submitted to the sauna of a nearby Kauppi star torninmäki the parking area.

Locker delivered cocaine in February to 200 grams and in may, 300 grams. Other items have moved a sauna in the vicinity.

the Pirkanmaa district court began on Monday the cocaine trial, which continued for at least 8. January until now. Respondents is 22, of which the most famous is the NHL player of the Jori Lehterä , which is suspected bought eight grams of cocaine.

on Monday addressed the three defendant’s share, which is about 1 820 grams of cocaine, the quantity and its dissemination. The prosecutor looked at the two men worked together and the third was the broker.

at Least one Monday of the respondents is an avid winter swimmer.

cocaine swimmers can be separated by

Kaupinojan sauna is known by many of Ilves and Tappara player and many of the well-known actor and artist recreation.

In 2010 the construction of the sauna vakikävijöihin include, inter alia, singer Olli Lindholm . Kaupinojan sauna use annually about 70 000 visitors.

the Tampere winter outdoor thighs chairman Jon Jalanto is ready to distinguish between swimmers, which is implicated in the sauna premises to the use of the drug in mediation.

I’m sorry about this, nice boys are, but the criminal activity does not fit our business. If you are members of, the separation is the reason, he said.

Rumors began to move already in may, when the police wanted to see the lockers in the locker room, Jalanto reveal.

the evening paper caught up in the cubicle for cleaning be in the bath nurse, who also told reporters that the police is moving in the area.

– here Is the police bike by the area often, he said.

Some swimmers, according to the police, has moved in and official and civilian costume. Also the sauna as a client is both in office and retired police officers.

Case 22 respondents, many enthusiasts of winter swimming Kaupinojan sauna.

Näsijärvi beach is also located on the palm peninsula in Jori Lehterän a luxury villa, where the catch took place last summer.

the Case continued to image after.

Kaupinojan a sauna in one of the trays has been passed cocaine at least two times a year in 2018 in February to 200 grams and in may, 300 grams. Juha Veli jokinen, litigation continues

it Is still unclear arrival did Jori Lehterä themselves or through their lawyer to justice. The difficulty has been to deliver the challenge for the signature of the united states, where Lehterä play.

– Good, he should be there at 8. January. Now we find out how successful it will be and represented by her lawyer. Lehterän accounted for the removal of the entire tangle of consideration, and it can be dealt with later, said the court president, district court judge Petteri Kosonen .

according to Him, the proceedings had to start the apprehended legal protection. On Monday, the defendants in the hall of the persons have been detained since August.

the punishment scale is a 10-year prison penalty of fines, to tell da Solitaire Cape .

in the Video, a district attorney in Pasi Vainio comments Jori Lehterän drug crime suspect Juha Veli Jokinen