The German national soccer player Jerome Boateng has checked off the “very difficult year” in 2018 and wants to attack in 2019. “Criticism and doubt, I come to, I take it as a Motivation, because I’m not yet at the end,” wrote the defender of the German record champion FC Bayern Munich in an Instagram Post at the end of the year. “It is hard, we are all aware of. But it was still a win is never easy, so let’s do it,“ added the 30-Year-old.

The past year has been for him with the first-round K. o. at the world Cup, with the DFB-Elf, as well as the Champions League and lost the Cup final with FC Bayern disappointing. “Sporty, I stayed behind my own expectations,” he admitted. “The world Cup in Russia was one of the most disappointing experiences of my career. The departure has been on my mind for a long, meanwhile, I have processed it and learned from them.“

76 inserts for the DFB-Team

The defensive players graduated in the past Bundesliga-season eleven games for Bayern, but always criticism. “I learned a lot, I feel physically better in the last few weeks, and am on the way back to his old top form”, said the 76-time German national team player now. (dpa)