After the presidential election in the Congo, both the Opposition and the government coalition led by the outgoing incumbent, Joseph Kabila claimed victory. Affected the elections by violence, logistical problems and a Flare-up of Ebola virus disease, by the many Congolese people voting were detained.

President Kabila ruled since the assassination of his father in 2001. He should give up his office after the election, in fact, that would be the first democratic power exchange in the raw material country, the 1960 independence of the colonial empires, Belgium had gained.

No Internet after the election

The government in the vast country block access to the Internet. The access had been interrupted “on the instructions of the government for an indefinite period of time,” said the Internet operator Global on Monday to AFP in Kinshasa. Similar to representatives of major Internet companies, Vodacom and Airtel expressed. The Opposition showed concern: she warned of fraud to the government prior to the election.

The Internet lock is started when the first election results from the voting offices of the vast country were published via Twitter. The access to the network, as well as to social media on Monday is not possible, as AFP correspondents reported from Kinshasa, Goma, Beni and Lubumbashi. Correspondence via SMS, was on Monday morning it will still be possible.

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The Secretary-General of the influential Catholic bishops ‘ conference, Donatien Nshole, regretted the Internet lock. The Opposition of the government was an attempt at manipulation: The Team of the opposition candidate, Martin Fayulu accused the government of, by means of the Internet Blackout the “overwhelming victory” to want to Fayulus disguise.

Opposition sees their two candidates at 40 percent,

The campaign Manager of the opposition politician Felix Tshisekedi, Vital Kamerhe said first Counts showed the two opposition candidates head-to-head, each with about 40 percent of the vote. Before the election, the former Ölmanager Martin Fayulu had located a survey of the New York University, according to the front.

The former interior Minister, Emmanuel ramazani was the photographer Shadary, the choice of candidate for President Kabila, have only reached about 13 percent, said Kamerhe. However, a large part of the votes was not taken into account.

However, Kabila’s chief of staff, Nehemie Mwilanya said he was confident that Shadary have won. Percent numbers he called. “For us, the victory is sure,” said Mwilanya. The National electoral Commission will publish on Tuesday the first part of the results.

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Congo irregularities and Dead at presidential election

lead to A disputed election outcome might be like after the votes in 2006 and 2011, a wave of violence. Particularly precarious is the security situation on the borders of Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi, where dozens of militias are active. (Reuters, AFP)