coalition chaos, powerlessness, and blockades: It was a tough year for Chancellor Angela Merkel. And yet it shows liberated to the end and on the attack. But 2019 is not likely to be easier.

Actually, it’s “only” an aircraft mishap. Angela Merkel comes in as the only one – not in time for the G20 Meeting at the end of November to Buenos Aires. The government plane “Konrad Adenauer”, has massive technical problems and have to turn around after the Start. In the Argentine capital gathered heads of state and government are surprised and laughing at in part, why the high-tech country, Germany cannot provide for a replacement?

Finally, the late Chancellor flits just in time on the evening of the G20 group picture, laughing ostentatiously, gets a special round of applause – and later even cheers from passers-by, as Merkel the next evening in a Steak Restaurant and comes and goes.

The Episode shows symptomatically, as of this year to 2018, for the Chancellor of delivery: with massive problems, blockages, powerless strength. Which at the end, but a Merkel comes out, the liberated and the attack looks funny. And make it your farewell to the Power self-determined to initiate.

Just in time Merkel reached the G20 summit in Buenos Aires – symptomatic for your year.

“A year-Driven”

once Again, the Chancellor has surprised all. A “Irsinnsjahr” for Merkel, says the political scientist Albrecht von Lucke: throughout The year, they had been Driven. Over the months, no coalition came into being, and as you came, has Merkel been rubbed from your own sister party Chairman Seehofer in front of herget.” Merkel is indoor and outdoor have been politically paralyzed, writes von Lucke, “politically destroyed.” And then at the end of the own favorite for the party presidency. “That’s what makes it so absurd, and to beat the year of irony for Merkel.”

in review: Angela Merkel has already experienced a lot. But the? It starts with a Super-GAU in the year. The Almost-Jamaica-coalition had flown to the ears. The start of the year, the Chancellor is as good as empty-handed. Next to her is a SPD, the torments of hell to suffer. The Comrades were jubilant to set off in the direction of the Opposition. Just don’t re-tie choice-swatter, but it is precisely to this new edition of Black of the unpopular Union of the Bundestag-Red it comes after a lot of Back and Forth. Three stayed ächtigte politicians decide that it should continue with the Grand coalition: Angela Merkel, Horst Seehofer, Martin Schulz.

Seehofer was one of those who have not made it to Chancellor Merkel 2018 easily.

re-elected, but not elected by breathe

As Angela Merkel in March for the fourth Time, the German Chancellor, is likely to resonate a bit of relief, but, above all, concern for the future. Once international: The inaugural visit of US President Donald Trump in April shows how little can leave Germany in the future, the US Partner. Trump praises Merkel in the Oval Office while on the green clover – to prevent, but in their concerns, car duties for the EU, that he comes to meet her. “The President will decide, that is clear,” says the Chancellor, and almost: “We have exchanged.”

In Germany is it also not better for Merkel. Horst Seehofer breaks an asylum armed with his “master plan” from the fence, threatens with resignation, and then enters back of this resignation. The Chancellor is waving with their policy competence and rescues, and the Alliance finally in the summer break. But the damage is there, the loss of confidence in the Grand coalition is hardly repairable.

In her Summer press conference, Merkel: the tone of The debate was bad: “I believe that reconciliation in a society can only occur through the Discharge of disagreements. The Form in which this needs to happen, is certainly capable of improvement.”

1/35 From “girl” to the most powerful woman in the world: The career of Angela Merkel