Shortly before his departure from the White house chief of staff John Kelly has turned up again in the discussion on the US President, Donald Trump required wall on the border to Mexico. “To be honest, it is not a wall,” said Kelly in a Sunday Interview published in the newspaper “Los Angeles Times”. “The President still says ‘wall’. Sometimes he just says ‘barrier’ or ‘fence’, now he tends to bars of iron.”

The idea of a solid concrete wall had been abandoned by the government early on, once with the border guards about their needs spoken of had been added Kelly, who admits his Post of the year. The border guards had “solid barriers in some Places”, but, above all, more staff and technical resources required.

The President consultant, Kelly Anne Conway dismissed the question of whether it is going to be a “wall” or not, as a “silly semantic debate”. In the television stations Fox said on Sunday that customs and border officials need “better technology, fixed barriers and iron mesh”, of which Trump both orally as well as in the short message service Twitter have spoken.

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USA Trump announces departure of chief of staff Kelly

Trump had announced the construction of the wall in the election campaign and declared that he wanted to fight in this way, illegal immigration and crime. The dispute over the wall is currently in the center of the US budget dispute. The opposition Democrats reject trump’s billion-demand for the construction of a wall on the border to Mexico, strictly, to lock in what is already a budget and still authorities has in many Federal. (AFP)

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