According to the forecast will be a lågtrycksområde from the Norwegian sea to pull in over Sweden on the morning of new year’s eve, and move eastward during the afternoon and evening. A lot of precipitation is expected over the northern parts of Svealand, and Götaland looks to at least get overcast weather.

the snow while further south are getting more sleet. In the area of Stockholm, Uppland and Södermanland, as well as in Norrbotten and Västerbotten, it looks to be quite a lot of precipitation at the stroke of midnight, ” says Max Lindberg Stoltz, meteorologist at SMHI.

Precipitation is expected also on the island of Öland, in the form of rain, and on the island of Gotland, in the form of sleet.

at the stroke of midnight has according to the forecast, Värmland, Örebro county and parts of Dalarna. Cloudy weather need not mean bad term for fireworks, but in the northernmost counties, and parts of Svealand are expected low clouds that could worsen the conditions.

In parts of Svealand and Götaland, there may also be some mist and fog that can make it harder to see the fireworks, ” says Max Lindberg Stoltz.

is expected in the day to be around zero degrees in the Region, zero to minus five in the Country and about five to ten degrees below zero in the north of sweden, with local deviations.

– Then it becomes a bit milder towards the stroke of midnight, with up to seven degrees above zero in california and perhaps a few degrees above freezing in Svealand and southern Norrland, ” says Max Lindberg Stoltz.

When the low draws in, it can also be a bit windier weather, but not at such levels that it will be issued some warnings, ” he says.