Celebrities opening on new year’s promises. Janni Hussin promise was good but he’s not successful busy entrepreneur to keep it closed. PASI LIESIMAA

the Sports industry entrepreneur and fitness model Janni Hussin area of work is in many women.

He makes descriptions, lectures, guided exercise days and makes the skidding work.

Working length can shoot up. As an entrepreneur Jannilla no 09-17 between the timing of the working hours and work also did not look at it, whether it is weekday or weekend.

years of toil after the Jannista began to feel that the end of the week free you could use.

I Promised someone a year backwards, that I’m starting to like the weekend.

the Promise was good, but already in the bud doomed.

but It didn’t work and hardly comes to the entrepreneur’s schedule never succeed. Especially when I have so much booked on juontehtäviin, which are scheduled just for the weekend, Janni told me laughing lupaukse down.

Disappointment in the canary islands

real estate broker Jethro Rostedt remember vividly the christmas of 2014, which he spent in the canary islands.

I Had always hoped that I’d get to jump the parachute jump. Tenerife was such a possibility. I went to the spot, and agreed to pay the jump in advance for the next day. I was excited about the story. I had made a new year promise that I’ll jump it jump and beat yourself, Jethro tell.

He was supposed to jump tandem jump knowledgeable professional with.

the Next day found out that the jump was a weight limit of 170 pounds. This jump professional was a pretty small guy, but we pretty drastically exceeded it’s weight limit. The horizontal seemed to 183 pounds when we checked our weight. The limit could not be exceeded for safety reasons, she recalls.

we’re Looking for the whole day, maybe would have found a smaller jumper. Not found, and when we had nothing to eat, so I asked this guy, that much is nykypaino – half pounds was gone! There goes new year’s resolution wrong. I can only get to the snorkeling beach sands. I call it the comfort!

weight restriction caused Jethro disappointment. GIVE spring bay”at One point promising to gain weight”

Musician Anssi Kela released last year on Twitter list of new year’s promises.

the Goal was to go deeper into the vices of the world. Coil promised in a long list when they start smoking, gain weight, move less and stress more. He promised to also add the hang of social media, reduce along with time spent with his family and focus more on their own performance.

Now sing to the sum of the past year’s events.

– what happened? I have not started to smoke. At one point in promising a little fat but now I weigh less than a year ago. In the summer I start to exercise a hobby. In social media, hanging is probably unchanged. So something went wrong, Anssi Kela told reporters.

He estimates the promise of a wrong reason too ambitious goal.

I promised too much, he said a twinkle in his eye.

Anssi Kela made a new years promise to humor the mind. Roni Journal