Enzo Corvi, in the second Spengler Cup Match against Nuremberg they gave her Comeback after seven weeks out through injury. How have they survived this, physically?
to be honest, I felt very bad. At the first use, I was about two minutes on the ice, and then kind of flat. The legs were okay, but the pump is not made correctly. After the first third of this went down, I nearly collapsed in the cabin and I needed a tent a half-oxygen, (laughs).

The head, but made no problems?
The head is tip top on my injury, there were no problems. I just feel that I still have no rhythm. It takes a few games before I was back in the Old am and this time I’m taking now.

First of all, not to say that your concussion was so bad, then it was serious. How have you experienced this time?
I thought at first that it is not so bad. But as it has not been better, although I did nothing for two weeks, I went to Zürich to the specialists. Although, there were daily progress, but in the end it took me one and a half months until I was ready again.

And what was it like for you just at the receiving end, to be, and while it layers in Association with the many defeats and the departure of Arno Del Curto went screwy?
That was a shitty feeling, if the team runs and you wanna get down on the ice to help, but nothing can do. It was a difficult time.

As you have seen from the Outside, the farewell to Arno Del Curto?
(thinks long) I do not like to talk big about this topic.

But you have to thank him a lot.
Yes, logically. Without Arno, I would today probably not be where I am. But it might need changes in the sports and athletic we were, well, not optimal. Now we have to get new air and it is going up. Everyone sees that we are from game to game better. I am convinced that it now comes with the HCD.

“I have done intensive thoughts of how my future should look like.”Enzo Corvi

Before Christmas has become your extension of the contract to three years. Did you ever Considerations to play somewhere other than in Davos, ice hockey ?
Clearly, I made it my intense thoughts of how my future should look like and I was also with other Teams in contact, but in the end it was a decision of the heart. I feel I am in Davos at home.

All of the thinking that you, because you have to stay in Davos, dispense with an enormous amount of money. You are so generous?
finally, it is not for me, just the money. I play where I feel comfortable and where I’m at home and here in Davos.

In these days the year 2018 comes to an end, in which you played a fantastic world Cup with the national team in Copenhagen, the silver medal. How often do you think back to the world Cup?
Occasionally I think back to this great time and when I see pictures of it, then these emotions come up again. But ultimately, this grandiose experience belongs to the past, and in hockey that counts Now. In this, we find ourselves with the HCD back on a good path and we have to stay now.

you Have the feeling that the Playoff is for the HC Davos in spite of the large residue on the dash still feasible?
So far I don’t think at the Moment, first of all, we must ensure that we descend. It goes in the new year, is to collect as many points as possible and if this should be enough at the end for the Playoff, then we are all happy. (Tages-Anzeiger.ch/Newsnet)

Created: 29.12.2018, 00:41 PM