Why settle for ordinary halogen bulbs for the headlights, if you instead use the new types of LED bulbs that light up better, live longer and use less power?

this is a message from Anders Grønbech, who is business development manager at Philips, and believe that the after-market LED bulbs have a lot of benefits.

It is just a problem; they are illegal in most cars.

LED bulbs, which are also known from home, are new as the retrofitting of bilfronten, where Philips is going to launch the X-treme Ultination series on the market as H4 and H7 LED bulbs. It is light bulbs, which according to the manufacturer gives a more clear light than regular H4 bulbs and have longer range, while the life is a dozen years compared with one to three years for an ordinary halogen lamp, and the power consumption is half.

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It is light bulbs, which typically costs 1.110 kr. for a set, against dkk 150. for a set of ordinary halogen bulbs, while the factory-fitted full LED-headlights start from around a half dozen thousand kr. The original mounted light is better than the after-market LED light bulbs.

Here is the Philips forecast first, but other manufacturers, as bl.a. Osram is on the way with similar bulbs to the assembly.

However, these may only be fitted in cars from the factory is approved for the LED bulbs.

To the other cars must by law be bought, but only used outside of public roads, as bl.a. the strong so-called ‘rallypærer’.

the Range is longer with LED bulbs than halogenpærerne. How much better can you see in the image below, which is with the halogen bulbs. Photo: Philips
Halogenpærerne lights up significantly shorter than LED light bulbs. Photo: Philips

Anders Grønbech from Philips believes that the rules of LED bulbs is clear. According to him, there is no problem to get the cars approved for sight with LED light bulbs, where they even provide a better light than the H7 and H4 bulbs. And it is according to him already happened in the Danish synshaller.

– LED bulbs fit to 80 per cent. of the cars on the market. But if they are not approved for LED lights from the factory, they can not be approved at home. It is very square, he says.

– It is a security product. The product fails nothing. If the bulbs are inserted correctly, and they have the right slider, I see no reason why they should not be able to think. You get a better product than you otherwise would get by the ordinary halogen bulbs. If they can be in a synshal, I can not understand that there would be a problem, ” says Anders Grønbech, who would like so that the rules gave the option to use the bulbs on public roads.

In a number of european countries have the bulbs either be sold or be used, while the good must be sold to banebrug in the nordic countries.

According to Philips, work is ongoing on european level in order to change the rules within a few years.

At FDM is the attitude, however, clear.

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– don’t use the bulbs. It is not legal, says Peter Sahl, who is a technical advisor at FDM.

– I’m not worried about the car breaks down or burns. But if you are stopped by the police, it can in worst case a fine or summons to the vision, says Peter Sahl, who points out that the lamps and bulbs need to be approved for the same light source.

He criticizes Philips, first and foremost, to promote the LED bulbs and do not believe that the company is doing enough to point out that the bulbs are illegal.

– the Philips should be a responsible company which turns on the that is legally. They should be big enough to go the right way and process the law rather than to process, the consumers, says Peter Sahl.

Anders Grønbech from Philips rejects the criticism.

– We go out in a more aggressive marketing, because the new LED bulbs in contrast to the first generations are far better than the well-known halogen bulbs. But we always write in our material, it is light bulbs, which must not be used on public roads, ” says Anders Grønbech.

– We know that we are moving in a grey area. But it is now even legal to sell the bulbs. We can not take into account, how they are used, he says.

He acknowledges, however, that LED light bulbs can be more difficult to mount correctly than the halogen bulbs.

– LED bulbs may be more sensitive to the retrofit. In principle, you must checked whether there is the right projection of all light that you eftermonterer. Halogen bulbs go 360 degrees around, while the LED light goes 180 degrees around. Therefore it is more vulnerable if they are not in the right setting, he says.

Some cars, however, must also have a spændingsmodstand, because the bulbs use so little power, that may get an error message.

In other cases, there is cut in the antenna in order to get the bulbs to fit.

Færdselsstyrelsen pointing to international rules, which says that the lamp and the bulb must be approved for each other, and that the bulbs are only allowed to remount after a permission from the car manufacturer.

– the Provisions for the dipped-beam headlamps on the one hand, regulate the consideration that the cars dipped beam illuminates the road properly and adequately, and partly to regulate the consideration that the cars dipped beam does not dazzle other road users, says in an email from Kim Voigt Østrøm, who is press officer for the agency.

Here is the message that the issues of law for LED light bulbs is something that companies should take up internationally.

– It is Færdselsstyrelsens view that the question about the possibilities of using LED lamps in halogenforlygterne on cars in general traffic is not a national issue, but the issue should be raised in the EU of lampefabrikanten, sounds it in the mail from Kim Voigt Østrøm.


The aforementioned LED headlights fits to H7 and H4.De delivers the light from 3000 to 6500 kelvin.According to Philips, they give 200 per cent. more light than a standard H4 bulb.Brændtiden is 5000 hours, or ten times as long as ordinary H4, perform 650 hours, while a H7 perform 550 hours. This corresponds to a half-dozen years. A set of H4 LED light bulbs X-treme Ultinon series typically costs around 1.100 kr. for a set.LED lights are also available for retrofit in tail lights, which provides sharper rear light and faster response when braking. There are also available LED light to retrofit in the cabin. Two paragraphs. baglygtepærer costs 299 dkk. and two pieces of kabinelyspærer costs 180 dkk.According to Philips, there are several reasons that the installation of after-market LED-forlygtepærer not approved. It is due to bl.a., that car manufacturers can’t agree on a standard and is not interested in the eftermontererede bulbs, because they will go in other directions. If a factory-fitted LED-headlamp is defective in the day, in pieces, is it the whole unit with the electronics, which must be changed. LED light bulbs can be harder to mount properly.