“So skrinnar you safe on the ice”

“To give out on a skridskotur in nature is a highlight for many skridskoentusiaster. For anyone who is eager to try but at the same time, not accustomed to skrinna away in the open, however, there are some security issues which are important to consider.”

“For långfärdsåkarna in Linköpingstrakten this year’s season so far has been a little shaky, with varying temperatures.”

“– There have been brief periods of good location here on the home front, then it has become mildväder and then the ice has been safe suddenly not so secure anymore, ” says Anders North, chairman of the Linköping långfärdsskridskoklubb and avid skater since the 1980s.”

“Yet there remains, however, much of the winter, so the possibility to find nice isar across the country before spring makes its entrance is still there.”

“But those who are new and want to know if ice is safe or not will not hear of to långfärdsklubbarna and ask. For security reasons they say not to such questions.”

“– to Call someone and ask about it, or the ice is safe so we answer neither yes or no on it. You must be able to manage to do the assessment on their own, it is a prerequisite, ” says Anders North.”

“According to North, there are three fundamental criteria for long-distance skating, which the beginner must take on : the Company, the knowledge and the right equipment.”

“– the Company can acquire, but in regards to that you have the right company, so a rider with previous experience.”

“Knowledge and equipment”

“the Knowledge to obtain and partly by reading, partly by giving itself out to go. Regarding the equipment, mention the North, among other things, ice prods, ispik, lifeline and grenrem, which prevents the backpack from slipping up over the head. In order to ensure that all vital equipment is with the tips he about a trick used in his own club.”

“– Before every tour, we perform parkontroller, just as a diver. Then ensure that the check has all the necessary things with them.”

“Corrected: In an earlier version was given Anders to the North, the wrong last name.”

“never Ride out alone on natural ice. Make company with other skilled skaters.”

“Take with the right equipment: the Ispik, backpack (with change of clothes, also functions as a life jacket), lifeline and the ice prods.”

“be careful when you go – listen and watch the ice.”

“keep in mind that the ice is weaker around the for example, bridges, reeds, bridges, promontories, outlet and sound.”

“Source: the association for the promotion”