On 14 January, the president will Andreas Norlén to put forward a proposal in parliament for a new prime minister. Who that will be is still unclear. But on Friday, the question would possibly be clearer, then the two party leaders for the social democrats and the Conservatives återrapporterar about how the negotiations are going.

is the first of two interim reports before the formal meetings with the party leaders on January 10.

the Talks were held in the afternoon, and afterwards was the president very coy about the contents of the two calls.

” I have today spoken with the two main candidates for statsministerposten and taken the part of their respective assessments of the process concerning the formation of the government. According to the timetable I have announced I am going to get renewed reports from Stefan Löfven, respectively, Ulf Kristersson on Friday the 4th of January, says president Andreas Norlén in a press release.

the President: I thought that there was a greater readiness

If there has been any progress during the christmas holidays is not revealed.

Neither the Conservatives or the social democrats, has commented on the negotiations.

, which was presented before christmas, a proposal for a new prime minister be presented to parliament on 14 January, the vote shall then take place on 16 January.

Should the proposal go through to the prime minister as soon as practicable issue its placed.

it Would be voted down to a final and fourth proposals are reviewed on 23 January, according to the president’s planning. Would even this proposal is voted down, there will be an election to be held within three months.