“Despite new law – get convicted of hämndporr”

“almost a year it has been illegal to disseminate privacy-sensitive photos and data. But despite the fact that the police received more than 1,100 notifications have only nine cases led to prosecution, writes SVT News.”

“the First of January 2018, introduced the new offence of”

“Until last november, the police have received 1 107 notifications”

“– The first thing you think is ”oops, it was maybe not so many crimes in this category”, but the reality is of course much larger than this. The number of unknown cases is huge, but how large we do not know, ” says Jan Olsson, it brottsspecialist on the police, to SVT.”

“Of 1 107 notifications went nine cases proceed to prosecution in the district court and in three of these acquitted the offender. The common denominator for the cases where the offender was convicted is that the suspect was known at the time when the offence was notified.”

“An example is a man who was sentenced to nine months in jail for having uploaded a film of himself and his ex-wife on a porrsajt, after several weeks of having threatened her about doing just that.”

“In cases where the offender is unknown will be the investigation knivigare, according to police.”

“– If the offender is unknown and it takes a few days before the victim discovers the crime and reports it is a great risk that the information has disappeared when the police to investigate, ” says Jan Olsson.”

“According to him, is an important aspect of the new law, the signal it sends that the offence is totally unacceptable, and that victims feel that they are taken seriously.”