With finaleseieren is the Vipers’ first milestones in the box. Sørlendingene can again steer towards enough a jubelsesong and a new tittelhattrick. They are clear favorites to win both the seriemesterskapet and the spring playoffs.

It was at times a thrilling finale in Oslo Spektrum. The teams followed each other closely the first 20 minutes, but Storhamar was several times one goal in front. After twelve minutes increased Heidi Løke to 6-4 on the punish.

Connected the grip

But the stars of the Vipers-the team connected the grip towards the end of the førsteomgangen. When they went from 9-9 to 14-9. It was also the result of a pause. Storhamar scored not a single time in the course of omgangens stores the last eight minutes.

Hedmarkingene used the rest well. When annenomgangen was a little over eight minutes old, they had fought back to 16-17.

But closer than it came Storhamar. Vipers put into another offensive and got again a big weed. This time came the no proper response from Løke and co. Admittedly, they managed to embellish a little on the result in the last minutes.

Red card

Vipers-profile Linn Jørum Sulland got the red card when it remained a little over five minutes left. She had thus following the ending from the tribuneplass.

Last year’s national CHAMPIONSHIP title was the Vipers’ first. It was the start of a new era in Norwegian kvinnehåndball. Larvik had for many years dominated the total, but the throne has made from Kristiansand definitely taken over.

Saturday night’s CHAMPIONSHIP final was Storhamars first ever.

Vipers tops the top division with full poengpott (16) after eight games. Closest to follow just Storhamar with twelve points. Tabelltoeren has played one match less than serielederen.


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