In the fight against driving bans for diesel owner has submitted to the Federal Ministry of transport, shortly before the end of the year, the technical requirements for Hardware retrofits and thus the way paved that older Diesel can, in future, comply with the limit values. “Now, the aftermarket industry is on the train, to develop effective systems,” said Federal transport Minister, Andreas Scheuer (CSU). Against the wind farmers, however, of the car; consumer advocates called on the corporations, therefore, Hardware cannot be upgraded to block payments any longer.

The transport Ministry wrote in a on Friday published a 30-page paper, the technical requirements for the “General operating permit” (ABE) for the approval of the Hardware kits by the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA). This is an important step for the conversion of older Diesel Cars that might be in numerous Metropolitan areas in the coming year of driving bans affected.

In the case of the conversion, for the reduction of nitrogen oxide emissions from Diesel-to be installed in vehicles, so-called SCR catalysts that work with a urea solution. The kits must be approved by the force travel Federal office.

Currently no submitted by manufacturers or the aftermarket industry would be available, however, said a spokeswoman for the Ministry of transport in Berlin. As soon as applications were available will check this KBA, this “as soon as possible”.

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Scheuer stated, the systems would have to be complied with “all the limits and regulations”. Then, if the licence is to be issued by the KBA, it should be offered to the systems “promptly” on the market.

Germany’s car maker, the Hardware compared to retrofits, but highly skeptical. The Association of the German automotive industry (VDA) warned that owners of older Diesel could not be expected in case of technical problems after retrofitting, with the support of the German manufacturer.

consumer appeals to the manufacturer

“We can assume no guarantee for a vehicle, in the later exhaust gas cleaning systems of third parties have been installed,” said the Association’s President, Bernhard Mattes, the newspaper “The world” of Friday. In case of technical problems after a retrofit to owners of older Diesel could not count with the support of the German manufacturers: “When a customer lets his vehicle be rebuilt, then he and the other customers also bear the responsibility for possible consequential damage.”

The “mirror” reported on Friday, the car maker Volkswagen cross to support the manufacturers of retrofit systems. The group does not want special help to firms that could begin in January, with the development of the systems, technically, wrote the news magazine.

VW Board member for development Frank Welsch said on Friday that there is until now no evidence of how subsequent interventions in the control system, the components and the vehicle architecture in continuous operation, long-term impact. For VW, it is important that the customers could make use of a reliable and safe vehicle.

“A technically well-engineered retrofit solution can change important vehicle characteristics to the detriment of our customers,” said Welsch. “The vehicle is very consume more to lose performance and also louder. A conversion, which means an enormous technical and temporal effort, can lead to massive problems in terms of reliability and customer satisfaction.“

FDP: retrofitting for a year

The verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband (vzbv) is delayed not appealed to the manufacturers to block a Hardware upgrade. “It can’t be that the company that caused the exhaust scandal, block a solution for people with a small purse, because you have no desire,” said vzbv-mobility expert Marion Jungbluth the “Handelsblatt”.

The manufacturer should provide in the coming year, affected diesel owners individual solutions and SCR-catalysts, which would have developed as special equipment or for other markets as soon as possible and allow the customer to offer.

Thus, the consumers of medium – and long-term damage would need to be extended for the retrofitting of the warranty, said Jungbluth, the newspaper. Needed a “clear regulation” between car manufacturers and suppliers of retrofit systems, who will take over which damage to the vehicles, the liability.

The FDP criticized, however, that the Minister of transport barn and the car industry “for over a year,” the Hardware would have delayed retrofitting. “Neither the Finance nor the liability is settled,” said the transport policy spokesman of the FDP group in the Bundestag, Oliver Luksic, the Newspapers of the editorial network in Germany.

ADAC Vice-President Ulrich Klaus Becker criticized with a view to VW that again “fierce debate” flared up. “Who tells the third-party must provide,” said Becker. Hardware retrofits are a sensible way to reduce the nitrogen oxide emissions of older vehicles significantly. Now with the submitted vertices would, however, put high demands on the retrofit.

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diesel crisis, Minister of transport, Scheuer is upset

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the Federal environment Minister, Svenja Schulze (SPD), said the Newspapers of the Funke media group: “It is good that now, finally, movement comes into the thing.” She called again, the manufacturer would have to bear the costs of the retrofits. (AFP, dpa)