in many ways memorable väderår is coming to an end. What most people will remember is probably the summer’s persistent heat and drought, with all forest fires. The month of July was rekordvarm.

the Heat started already in may, and it had been even more strange if it does not come by itself around the 10th of August, ” says Sverker Hellström, klimatolog at SMHI.

in many other ways. As a good runner-up among the year’s most interesting väderföreteelser place Hellström brittsommarvärmen in the middle of October. In particular, it was the temperatures in the inner northern sweden on 14 October that stuck out.

In some places, were then oktoberrekordet by five degrees, and a 20-gradersstrecket was passed for the first time. Meteorologists had to pinch themselves in the skin, when the numbers came in.

– The third highlight was the very snowy beginning, not least along the coast of Norrland, ” says Sverker Hellström.

the Snow had been built on already from the end of 2017. To the end, it was more than a metre and a half deep in the middle of the Northern coast. Even the eastern Region had an unusual amount of snow, a good half-meter.

the Cold came with a vengeance in February and remained in the whole country for a couple of days into april.

” as long As the cold consisted, we had no idea that the latter part of the spring would be so hot. It hit on very quickly.

Yes, the spring was almost ridiculously short in many places. In Stockholm about two weeks.

an unusual number of high pressure that blocked outlook. It was they who saw to it that it became so cold in the winter, but it was also they who saw to it that it got so hot as soon as spring came.

All of these high pressure have made the 2018 extremely sunny. Swedish piles far out in the Stockholm archipelago had already, on 21 december gathered together for a new Swedish årsrekord with 2.393 hours of sunshine. And in Stockholm it has in the past solskensrekordet from getingsommarens in 1959 wiped out.

Sunny means dry, and almost the whole country has rightly had less precipitation than normal.

In Växjö see it out to become the driest year in 130 years, and in Stockholm it will be probably the driest in nearly as long. Until 21 december, it had only fallen about 340 millimeters in the capital, and it will less than 17 millimeters until the new year (which is likely), it will be driest since 1892.

– may Possibly it be the entire country’s driest year since 1976, but it is uncertain. Also in 2014, 2002 and 2003 were dry. There will be no rekordslakt, says Hellström.

Something Sverigerekord is not the case with regard to the average temperature for the year, as the cold months of February and march, pulling down the value. The year ends up in eighth place.

if the calendar months that deserve the most attention.

– May and July are the truly remarkable few months.

– But that single event is possibly brittsommaren in the north, the most remarkable this year.

Below follows a more detailed review:

the Year started mild in almost the entire country. The exception was the northernmost part of Norrland, where it was a little colder than normal. Snow was the staff with in Götaland and Svealand.

However, it was snowing profusely further to the north, and when the January was the end of the low the snow is a meter deep in the north of the Northern inland and in places along the coast.

First, in February beat the winter even in the south of Sweden. It was a little colder than normal, and gradually covered the entire country of snow. For, unusually, was not the greatest snödjupen in the mountains but on the coast of Norrland, where it was more than 150 centimetres in some places.

Along the east coast of the south pulled the band of intense flurries, the so-called snow machines, check and increase in snow depth greatly. In parts of eastern Småland was over half a meter. At the same time, it was down to ten degrees below freezing in the fierce wind. In Skåne, sweden, urged the Swedish transport administration people to venture out on the roads the last few days of the month.

Photo: Pontus Stenberg/TT

the winter weather kept the entire march month. In most places, although march 2013 is even colder, but locally in the mountains, it was one of the coldest marsmånader measured.

in the Spring could hardly advance. On the last day of the low snow left in the whole country except in a few minor areas in the south.

April began as march ended, with the bitter cold. The month’s first three days were the coldest aprildagarna of 30 years in Svealand and southern Norrland. Another snowfall gave two inches of new snow in parts of Skåne on 1 april.

But then, it came to things. A week into april, it struck on to the unusually warm weather for the season, which in principle would be for the second week in August.

in the Spring, which has been between one and three weeks late in the south, rushed forward, and the summer came on the heels. In Stockholm the meteorological spring is only two weeks long. Summer arrived in the capital on april 17, nearly a month earlier than normal.

Heat in the may was sensational. Records for månadsmedeltemperatur was struck with more than two degrees celsius in Uppsala, Stockholm, Norrköping, and Göteborg was in may 2018 as hot as a normal July. Gothenburg also noted the highest individual temperature with 31.1 degrees 30, which was the warmest majtemperaturen since 1911.

In Stockholm became the may not only the sunniest majmånaden so far, but also the sunniest month ever in the country.

June was a bit of an interlude with the right cool and off-kilter in the middle of the month, including midsummer. On average, it was continued to be unusually warm in the south (Lund warmest since 1889), but a little cooler than normal in the far north.

In July came in the proper the heat and the drought, which would last to the 10th of August. It was between 3 and 5 degrees warmer than normal, and julirekorden fought in most places.

Photo: Lisa Mattisson

the average Temperature in Stockholm in July was 22.5 degrees, which with a good margin, surpassing the previous record and also the warmest månadsmedeltemperatur measured in the country.

In the Government on the island of Öland and Komstorp in the county dropped no measurable precipitation at all in July.

this Year the very hottest day got Mariestadsborna experience, 8 August , when the mercury reached eur 34.7 degrees. The last two-thirds of August offered more normal summer weather.

Photo: Magnus Hallgren

the Autumn has been uneventful, even if september was slightly warmer than normal. Oskarshamn to 26.7 degrees on the 18th was remarkably warm for being so late in the late summer.

October delivered a spectacular indian summer, especially in the inner part of Norrland. Several places where the beat his old oktoberrekord with between 4 and 5 degrees, which could never have happened in Sweden as long as measurements have been made.

In Lycksele was measured on 14 October and 21.1 degrees, and it was 5.1 degrees above the old record from 1981. At no place was minimitemperaturen during one of the days higher than the previous maxrekordet for the month.

Mildvädret continued in the november , which, in some places in the far north was the warmest so far. Dry it was, too, and there was very little snow the entire month.

Snöbristen in the north of sweden was remedied quite soon in december , which otherwise has been pretty undramatic. Temperatures have not been spectacular for the mild or the cold side. Lägstanoteringen until 21 december, -33 degrees (in new york), is quite modest to be in the julmånaden.