It is not equally easy for all nikotinhungrende smokers to get through a long flight where cigarettes must be lying in your bag or in your pocket.

Fortunately, they manage to cope with the journey without falling in, but nevertheless you can hear it once in a while stories about smokers who have been unable to endure the wait, and who have subsequently been caught in the act and punished with big fines.

So there had to be a passenger in the summer to accept a fine of no less than 135.000 dollars for smoking on board a SAS flight from Arlanda Airport outside of Stockholm to Malaga on the Costa del Sol.

the Passenger tried to smoke on the sly on the flytoilettet, but was discovered when he subsequently chose to throw beaten in the trash without having turned off the cigarette properly first.

And now even a traveler been caught smoking on board an aircraft. This time it is about a male passenger on a Vistara flight from Delhi to Kolkata in India, had to turn around because the man refused to extinguish his cigarette.

It writes the New Indian Express.

The male passenger felt after telling that he had a right to smoke on the plane. and therefore he dismissed the cabin crew repeated protests, prompting the pilot to turn the plane around in the Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi, after which the man was thrown of the plane.

According to the airport’s spokesperson began the male passenger smoking, already while the plane rolled out on the runway and made ready for departure, but even though the pilot was quick to get the man thrown from the plane before it reached the air, was the flight still delayed three hours because of the incident.

the Airline has confirmed the incident to the New Indian Express and said the following:

– We had a unruly passenger who insisted on smoking on board the aircraft. He was given a warning by the captain, but was later thrown off the plane because he refused to comply with the safety rules. We regret the delay for the remaining passengers, says Vistaras spokesperson.

It is unknown what punishment is in store for the passenger concerned.

even Though the smoking ban was introduced on the fly way back in the 90’s, and the rule is well known to most, so is it still fairly frequently that the passengers are discovered in the to smoke on board the aircraft.

SAS has f.ex. previously told Ekstra Bladet that they reveal passengers to smoke up to eight to ten times a year.

– Either they are revealed by the flight attendants, but also fellow travelers are aware of and warn our employees about it, if they come into the toilet, and it smells of smoke. It may seem like a trivial matter for many, but it is important for the safety on board the flight, told the SAS information manager, Knut Morten Johansen to Ekstra Bladet earlier in the year.